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Beatyard presents: Eat My Shorts @ Light House Cinema

  • 26-04-2013 12:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9

    Eat My Shorts @ Light House Cinema

    Tickets Full Day & Screening Only tickets available.
    Admission: €10/€8

    Eat My Shorts are excited to collaborate, once again, with The Beatyard to bring you a day of short films and inspiring talks featuring a couple of Dublin's coolest filmmakers: D.A.D.D.Y. and Eoghan Kidney, all in the lovely Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield this May 4th.
    Adm is €10/€8 for the full day (talk & screening) 12-5.30pm


    Team D.A.D.D.Y. are Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman, who describe themselves as youngish men who have two eyes each and big noses (!). We'd describe them as two very talented men who are constantly pushing the standards of creativity in Irish filmmaking and advertising higher and higher. They're a busy, busy pair so we're really excited to have them come along for an hour or so and share the secrets of how they do it with us!

    Eoghan Kidney

    Eoghan Kidney is that guy who wins all of the awards, all of the time (20 at last count!), he's an incredibly accomplished and prolific filmmaker, with about 20 music videos under his belt and a bevy of short films. His latest project, We, The Masses, an interpretation of the work of (and collaboration with) American artist Robyn O'Neill was conceived at Werner Herzog's Rogue Film School. His talk at this year's Offset was a brilliantly constructed and really in-depth insight into his processes and discipline and now we're bringing it (although even 'filmier' in Eoghan's own words!) to you!

    Eoghan Kidney

    Eat My Shorts

