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Garda Statement

  • 16-04-2013 7:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 963 ✭✭✭

    When giving a Garda statement does the Garda have to write it in his own handwriting and do I have to be able to read it or just his read back version does anyone know?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭SB2013

    Depends on the circumstances and the type of statement.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 963 ✭✭✭cococoady

    SB2013 wrote: »
    Depends on the circumstances and the type of statement.

    I was a witness to an incident. I done the statement but I have the feeling something was missed out while giving it. Can I go back to the Garda and get him to read it back to me again and if something was missed can I get him to rewrite it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭SB2013

    cococoady wrote: »
    I was a witness to an incident. I done the statement but I have the feeling something was missed out while giving it. Can I go back to the Garda and get him to read it back to me again and if something was missed can I get him to rewrite it?

    No. You can make an additional one but you cannot change the first one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 153 ✭✭Slyderx1

    SB2013 wrote: »
    No. You can make an additional one but you cannot change the first one.

    your additional statement can of course if needs be correct your first one. A Garda does usually hand write a statement then this is produced in court as the primary exhibit. It is usually typed up for ease of all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4 Denden79

    Hi sorry to bring up this old thread again but I have something very important to ask and I don't seem to be getting any info on line about it please help.... When giving a statement to the guards does the statement have to be read back to the person.... As I gave a statement and it was never read back to me and the guard rushed me to sign it as she took my statement in a hospital and she was on her own taking it from me .... I'm loosing my mind over this as I think this might have a big impact on the case that I'd ongoing which I now have withdrew that statement and my statement of withdrawal hasn't as of yet gone to the DPP but the DPP are still going ahead with it... I phoned the office of the DPP and they are not aware of my statement of withdrawal... Can someone please help me

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