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IRKRS-Study Groups 2013

  • 28-03-2013 4:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭

    The Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Kokusai Kenkyukai (International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society) is an information based world-wide organization dedicated to studying, the origins, evolution & tactical application theories of traditional karate & Okinawan kobudo.

    If you are interested in any of the above topics, you are welcome to attend our monthly IRKRS Ireland Study Groups, which will be held throughout Ireland in 2013. (Pre booking essential)

    More information on IRKRS Study Groups here.

    ‘What separates us is not nearly as important as what brings us together; Style divides but kata unites! It is the common thread which weaves together the fabric of this tradition. Therefore, let us better understand kata and the mechanism which makes it work. In doing so the barriers that divide us, disappear. When it comes to understanding the mysteries of kata, we're all in this study together.’ Hanshi Patrick McCarthy.

    Next Study Group: - Newport, Co Mayo. 25th May 2013
    Morning - Aragaki Seisan
    Afternoon - Yamaneryu Bo-jutsu

    See poster attached for full details.


  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Damo W

    IRKRS Study Group, 25th May Newport, Co Mayo, Ireland.

    Victor Burke Sensei hosted the monthly IRKRS Study group for May 2013.

    Instructing at this were Shidoin Damian Murphy and Renshi-ho Damien Costello.

    The morning session delved as deeply as possible into Aragaki Seisen (within the available time limits); following a concise but very accurate and distinct lecture on Aragaki Seisho and the origin of the Kata, its relationship with modern day Kata and its importance, the physical class commenced.

    Each move was taught with the emphasis of form follows function, and functional applications for each move (multiple in some cases) accompanied each. There was no ambiguity in relation to any move, no move was wasted, but the possibility of alternative functional applications, outside of the classical set being taught was touched upon, leaving the door open for each participant to explore the Kata even more. The context in which this was delivered was true to the original meaning of Karate, a civil defense method against untrained attackers, using HAPV (habitual acts of physical violence). Exiting techniques were addressed but the variety of possibilities was dependent on the participants own ability and all were encouraged to explore this further.

    More here…

    The afternoon explored fundamentals of Yamaneryu Bo-jutsu and the Kata, Yonekawa no kon.

    While the actual evolution of Yamane-ryu bojutsu remains the subject of intense curiosity we do know that the origins of this unique clan-style can be traced back through Chinen Pechin (c. 1846-1928). From the village of Samukawa in the old castle district of Shuri, Chinen Sanda was born the son of a Pechin class Kemochi during the later part of Okinawa’s old Ryukyu Kingdom. Also known Chinen Pechin, or Yamane no Chinen [as Taira Shinken described him in his 1964 Encyclopedia of Kobudo], the youth was schooled in Uchinadi by his uncle, Chinen Sanjin Andaya Pechin (1797-1881,) also known as Aburaiya Yamagusuku.

    In spite of his proficiency with several kinds of bojutsu, Chinen most favored the traditions of Sakugawa and Shikiyanaka, but is probably best remembered for being a brilliant innovator. In an effort to help facilitate the teaching of fundamental technique, Chinen ingeniously developed three unique exercises that he called Shuji, Yonekawa and Shirotaru. He passed away at the ripe old age of 82 leaving behind him a rich & unique legacy.

    Renshi-ho Damien Costello delivered his lesson with ease and proficiency, from the fundamentals, learning command and mastery of the weapon, to the accompanying two person drill and culminating with the Kata its self. Before finishing for the day, a complete performance of the entire Yonekawa Kata was requested and given.

    More here...

    A sincere thank you to Patrick McCarthy Hanshi for making it all possible.

    If you are interested in hosting an IRKRS Study Group, in your dojo or for a selected group, you will find more info here

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Damo W

    The next Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Kokusai Kenkyukai (International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society) study group will take place on the 16th of June, details below.

    Next Study Group: - Cork Koryukan, Dublin Road, Cork. 16th June 2013
    Morning - Yamaneryu Kobudo
    Afternoon - Nuymon Level

    Due to capicity restrictions all places must be pre booked at

    Please see poster below for more details.

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Damo W

    IRKRS Study Group, 16th June, Cork Koryukan, Co Cork, Ireland.

    Joe Glavin Shidoin hosted the monthly IRKRS Study group for June 2013.

    In the morning session we had great expectations that we could complete the full 3 hours outside, practicing Yonekawa no Kon from the Yamaneryu Bo-jutsu lineage.

    This was almost achieved as Damien Costello Renshi-ho guided the group to the kata until the weather drove us inside, and then finished the morning class with fundamentals of the tan-bo.

    Given the name Yamane-ryu by Chinen Masami (1898-1976,) the grandson of Chinen Sanda, the term actually brings together three separate Chinese ideograms:

    1. “Yama,” meaning “mountain;”

    2. “Ne,” meaning “foundation or root;” and

    3. ” Ryu,” meaning, “stream.”

    The term was simply intended to describe the locale in Shuri’s Samukawa village from whence Chinen’s tradition came.

    Identified by its signature characteristics, Yamane-ryu bojutsu employs swift but powerful circular motion, a distinct pattern of twisting thrusts, vibrant body dynamics and pliable footwork. Yamane-ryu tradition continues to grow and evolve, as practitioners find that they can adapt the principles, body dynamics and flow of Yamane-ryu technique to any bojutsu kata, and to any of the other Ryukyu Kobudo weapons, too. Perhaps it may even be more correct to say that Yamane-ryu is compelling all Ryukyu Kobudo to go back to its roots, from a rigid tradition heavily influenced by modern karate to one that is reclaiming its fluidity and powerful application practices.

    In the afternoon, and definitely restricted to inside the dojo by the weather, Damian Murphy Shidoin led the group through the first set of 12 tegumi exercises.

    Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu emphasizes partner practice drills called tegumi futari- geiko (Te = hand or hands. Amongst its many interpretations “gumi” means to unite, cooperate, and grapple. In this context Tegumi refers to trapping and grappling with one’s hands. Futari-geiko means continuous practice or flow drills.), as one of its main forms of training.

    Practice, of this nature, incorporates the reenactment of realistic attacks, i.e. chokes, grabs, bear hugs, etc., and a corresponding defense from both a standing position, and from the ground, with partners alternate roles between active and passive, attacker and defender. Through the practice of tegumi, the meanings and principles of the movements and postures (defensive composites), integrated within kata, are revealed to the learner.

    A sincere thank you to Patrick McCarthy Hanshi for making it all possible.

    If you are interested in hosting an IRKRS Study Group, in your dojo or for a selected group, you will find more info here

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Damo W

    The next Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Kokusai Kenkyukai (International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society) study group will take place on the 21st of July, details below.

    Next Study Group: - Longford Martial Arts Centre, Longford. 21st July 2013
    Morning - Aragaki Seisan
    Afternoon - Yamaneryu Kobudo

    Due to capicity restrictions all places must be pre booked at

    Please see poster below for more details.
