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Producers points/royalties

  • 26-02-2013 12:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 34

    Hey folks,

    Just a wee quick question - do any of you guys work off royalties/producers points?

    An old mate of mine who I did an album with before is offering to record and me and the bands new material in his studio for free in exchange for producers royalties. He's not a dodgy guy in the slightest and I know for him we probably knows we're strapped for cash and if something was to come of the songs a steady flow of cash from royalties is much better than 600€ or whatever upfront.

    Is this the norm these days? I know some of the bigger producers will sign people up to production development deals in the hope of something coming from it but I am just wary of giving away rights to songs etc no matter how small a percentage may be?

    Just looking to hear peoples thoughts on this type of stuff :)



  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Radiosurfer

    I think you already know what the sensible answer is, but let's be realistic, the chances of you making any real money of these songs in this day and age is sooooo slim as to be almost not worth talking about. Personally, I'd bite his hand off.
    Without a label you can pretty much rule out any earnings from the songs and, if you were to get signed, the label would probably insist on you rerecording them anyway so unless he's asking for writing royalties (as opposed to physical and digital sales of the recordings you did with him, which is the normal producer "points") I think he's basically giving you the studio time for nothing.
    I assume you're drawing up a contract of some sort?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,277 ✭✭✭DamagedTrax

    to add to what yer man above said...

    if he's good and can get you where you want to go, then go with him. its a good deal.

    if you have doubts then save the money and go elsewhere. even free studio time is wasted time if nothing good amounts from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,790 ✭✭✭PaulBrewer

    To extend that idea a bit further ....

    Who in their right mind would offer such a deal knowing the likelihood of any money being generated ?

    Unless he doesn't understand that - which then raises the question of his credentials for the job.

    However I don't know you or the 3rd party so I'm not saying that is the case.
