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Newbie to busking!

  • 23-02-2013 3:10am
    Registered Users Posts: 7

    Over the coming Summer, I want to try out some street performance. What advice would the resident Boards musicians give to someone who's never tried performing in front of an audience/on the street before?

    I have a few concerns/questions I'd like addressed in particular:
    • Any time of day that's ideal for street performing? I know if you're next to a main street you don't want to be playing at peak traffic hours.
    • What sort of set-up should you bring along with you? I have it in my head that I'd rather not cart around battery-powered equipment or what have you, and play in a relatively quiet area instead. Should one bring along a stool, maybe a ground-cover to leave equipment on? Rain protection of some sort?
    • What would be a good set-list for someone with a guitar/harmonica/singing voice combination? I'm considering adding a ukulele to my collection of instruments, along with a percussion instrument or two. What can you do to stand out as more than "just another hack with a guitar"?
    • Basic rules of busker etiquette? What about legalities...must you ask for permission before playing outside a shop? Do you need a permit to play in any public space?
    • What's the risk of theft? Anything to be done about this?
    • I'm not massively interested in the "airgead" aspect of this venture, but are there any psychological "tricks" you can utilize to make donation a more inviting prospect for the audience? I've heard about always keeping a small bit of money in the container, taking some out when it gets too full, and not placing the container too close to yourself.
    • What sort of container should you use to collect money? Hat? Open guitar case?
    • What's an acceptable dress-code? Hobo hoody/tracksuit, reasonably fancy shirt and jeans, cheap suit?
    Whew, sorry for the rambling. Questions just kept popping up. Answers to these questions, any other advice you can come up with, or even general busking anecdotes would be appreciated.

    Many thanks!
