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Rent Supplement Arrears

  • 21-02-2013 12:47am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hope anybody can shed some light on this,
    We gave a house back to a council 3 years ago ( due to our lives being threatened .. extremely long story ) and have battled and battled to get on another local authority housing list since then, last week we finally succeded in our 3 year battle and are now on a housing list. My question is does anybody know if we can now contact our local CWO and make a claim for arrears in rent supplement from the time we made our final successfull application - APPLICATION WAS MADE IN LATE SPETEMBER 2012 ( we have been on social welfare with 3 small children for quite a while now as I am quite Ill ) and have been paying full rental rates out of our pockets and our childrens mouths ever since, we have now moved in the past 3 weeks and when we moved we were expecting to be turned down again and we are unsure if our new landlord will accept Rent Supplement, Question I am really asking is there anything that the CWO can give us back from our previous tenancy as when i asked CWO for help was refused an application form and was told leave it with me before you apply and i SPEAK TO MY BOSS about it before you apply.. you may be wasting your time applying..(we were not approved on a housing list then but I had explained in great detail the circumstances to the CWO )

    I really hope somebody can shed some light on this as I am expecting the CWO to play games with us as far as getting arrears is concerned.

