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MPhil vs MRes

  • 20-02-2013 8:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 26

    I was hoping to get some board members opinions. I graduated with a 2.1 in pharmaceutical science degree in 2011. I have been working in clinical research since Oct '11. During my degree I always enjoyed the biotechnology modules and I found the most interesting part of my degree to be my dissertation which focused entirely on biotechnology. I recently discovered that Queens University Belfast is offering a MPhil in pharmaceutical Biotechnology and I am interested in it. I know that an MPhil is almost exclusively project based and this is very appealing. My question is would I be better off pursuing an MRes as I know that an MRes generally contains some taught components and this would give me a better grounding for when I begin my project/s within the MRes degree. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!
