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Old-style or literary hotel recommendation in Dublin?

  • 20-02-2013 12:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 14

    I want to give my friends a gift of a night in a hotel in Dublin. He's a big history buff and she's a fan of everything Victorian (esp. big old houses). Both of them are very strong with literature, and they also like good food and wine.
    I'm thinking that a super-glossy, glass-and-chrome hotel wouldn't suit their tastes.
    Could anyone recommend old-style hotels, guest houses, or nice B&Bs in central Dublin? (perhaps Georgian?)
    My budget is about €150, maybe €200. I'd need for that amount to cover their B&B anyway, and maybe even an evening meal. (In other words, no good getting them a voucher for €200 if the place costs €300 per night cause they are skint and this is a special occasion)
    Thanks all

