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  • 18-02-2013 3:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9

    Hi guys I am new to this and really need advice.

    Ok first off I was made redundant from my job of 6 years 5 months ago and since then I have been claiming job seekers benefit. I am a mother of one so since I lost my job I have been at home with my two year old. I signed up for a fas ecdl online course which I am currently doing and also recently began an online diploma course which I paid for myself.

    I got a letter through last week calling me for a meeting with DSP employment services which basically says if I don't attend they will cut or suspend my dole payments. This is fair enough but I have heard that this crowd more or less force you to take on employment or will cut your dole altogether...has anyone gone for these meetings? Can u tell me what to expect?

    My problem is that any jobs available in my area (and they are very seldom any jobs posted) but lately I have seen two..these jobs are basically 19.5 hours a week and ce rates. I have sat down number outs times to out way all of this and for me to take one of these jobs if I got one would mean we would lose a lot of money. I live 20 minutes outside of town and I don't drive so here is my predicament....if I work I will get lift in with my partner (who works full time) in the morning drop child off at crèche which will cost 15 for half day and 35 for full day...these two jobs are half day so I will have to wait until my partner finishes work at 6 before I get home. There is an option of taxi home but this will cost 30 a day.

    Basically I can't justify going back to work just yet and losing so much money. What my goal is is to finish my diploma get a job from that hopefully in 6 months and I'm currently learning to drive. What I am afraid of now is these people cutting my dole which we can not afford just yet because I am not willing to accept a job at the moment.

    Can anyone advise me please I am so worried and really don't know what to expect.

    May I also say that based on my partners wages we do not qualify for any other state help I only get 188 a rent allowance medical card etc my partner has a massive loan he pays weekly because he used to run his own business so things are tight for us but we are managing just about.

    Thanks in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭Sue Ellen

    How long have you been unemployed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Hakuna matata

    Hi sue I have been unemployed for almost 5 months now

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭Sue Ellen

    What you have been called for is an EAP under the Employment action plan. You will meet with someone from Employment Services (formerly FAS) and someone from Social Protection. They will discuss what options are there to get you back into employment. Firstly it will probably be a group meeting and then you will have a one to one.

    As the criteria for JSB is that you have to be available, fit and actively looking for work they could stop your payment altogether. Child care costs would not be an allowable reason for not taking full time work (although valid in a financial sense). Meet them and discuss what you are doing but they most likely would only be referring you to do the types of courses you are doing so I would say they would be happy with your current situation.
    I would leave out the child care issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Hakuna matata

    Perfect thanks so much for your reply. It's not that I don't want to work...I am going out of my mind at home I have always worked so I'm not lazy. Just my previous job was well paid and its hard to find anything now that pays even close to it. I worked my way up in company but I don't have any qualifications so what I want to do now is educate myself and hopefully fingers crossed get a decent job out of it.

    Really appreciate your reply you have put my mind at ease thanks so much :)
