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Confused about the gap between JSA and FAS...

  • 12-02-2013 10:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭

    So it appears I exist in a grey area between FAS and social welfare.

    I recently started a course in FAS without ever drawing dole. FAS can't pay me because they take over social welfare payments and base your pay for a course on this figure. I was never on the dole so FAS has no figure to base this on, so I don't get payed.

    FAS knows I am not getting payed for the course but without a number from social welfare they can't do anything and I can't lodge a claim with social welfare because I am doing a course.

    I have no money at the moment and was in real need of the money I thought I'd be getting while I was on this course; is there anything I can do that I'm not being told about by the powers that be?

    Any help is much appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭Sue Ellen

    this is a tough situation for you. You might have to leave the course to get Jobseekers and then look to go back on the course. I can't see any other way around it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭Snake Pliisken


    This feels like something that shouldn't be allowed to happen. It does nothing but punish people for trying to immediately better themselves when confronted with joblessness and completely sends the wrong message to people.

    I made the original post for a friend(I reworded his facebook update to make a readable first post) in the hopes that I'd be able to use boards' brain to help him in this tough situation but this is just depressing. He's really enjoying the course he's in and now he has drop out and waste his and the governments time...

    What a great big bureaucratic nightmare we live in, we're so lucky.:mad:

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