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BlueChip Bluetooth Headset

  • 17-01-2013 9:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 884 ✭✭✭

    Hi there,

    Just wondering does anyone have one of these and how can i use it with my HTC Desire?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,701 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    There shouldn't be much difficulty getting it to work with a HTC Desire. The first thing you need to do is to 'pair' the headset to your phone, think of this like a social introduction. The phone needs to know about the headset so that when you switch on the headset, the phone will see it and connect to it. Unless you pair the headset to the phone, the phone will ignore it.

    Have the phone at the ready.

    1. Make sure the headset is fully charged and switched OFF. Hold down the power button on the head set and keep it pressed until the blue light flashes twice, this puts the headset in pairing mode. I think this is the procedure, check the owner manual if this doesn't work.

    2. On the HTC Desire, go into 'Settings', select 'Wireless & Networks'. Make sure Bluetooth is switch 'on' (green tick mark shows). Now tap on 'Bluetooth Settings' and select 'Scan for devices'. After a few seconds you should see the headset listed and below it the text 'pair with this device', tap that line and when asked for a passcode enter 0000.

    Once you've successfully paired the headset to the phone, the devices will connect as long as you have Bluetooth switched on on the phone and the headset is switched on and nearby. Check the headset manual for specific tasks such as redial, call accept, call reject etc.

    Your body is an effective blocker which will weaken the signal so while wearing the headset, try to keep the phone on the same side of your body.
