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[Wanted] Girlfriend needs a place to live near UCD!!

  • 10-01-2013 2:00am
    Registered Users Posts: 12

    Basically my girlfriend is a bit of a techno-tard so I'm doing this on her behalf:

    She's a second year medical student at UCD who's repeating the coming semester. She has no where to live as she worked for the last semester she didnt have to repeat and lived with family then.

    She needs a place somewhere within walking distance of the college (her parents demand not her own) for the coming semester. Pretty much anywhere will do as long as its resonable rent with the basics.

    She has alot of study and hard work etc to do to pass the semester the second time round so she'll be pretty quiet and will spend the majority or her time in college, but she's up for the craic to so she wont be a total recluse.

    So basically if anyone has a place, wants to sub-let their place, or knows anyone who's looking for a tenant please either comment here or send me a PM. My GF's getting pretty desperate so any help would be greatly appriciated

    cheers :)


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