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Want to make/receive calls from your Windows Laptop?

  • 04-01-2013 11:49pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,200 ✭✭✭✭

    Evening all,

    While feckin about on XDA tonight I stumbled across this thread and thought, wouldn't it be handy if you could make and receive calls on your phone using your Bluetooth-enabled laptop?
    So I have been messing about with it for the last hour and I think I've cracked it :)

    1. Download Remote Phone Call from the Market here - 15 day trial version to see if it works for you.

    2. Install on your phone and laptop (Win 7 x64 in my case)

    3. Connect using Bluetooth NOT wireless (in fact disable wireless connectivity in the Remote Phone Call app options on your phone)

    4. Pair your phone (Galaxy Note 2 in my case) to your laptop over Bluetooth

    5. Goto Control Panel, Devices and Printers.. you should see your phone here if you've paired it right

    6. Right-Click it, click Properties, then the Services tab and tick them all. Click Apply

    7. Windows will install the drivers it needs but will probably fail on Bluetooth Peripheral Device
    Go here and follow the instructions - make sure you get the right version for your machine (32-bit driver / 64-bit driver).
    There's also links for AMD CPU versions on the same page (scroll down to the bottom left)

    8. Assuming you get the missing driver installed, start Remote Phone Call in Windows and click on the Bluetooth headset icon at the top (choose your laptop name from the list)

    That should do it! :) I've tried it here and I can now hear calls through my laptop speakers and voice works through the onboard mic - the only thing needed now is a dialer pad in the Windows app and you have a fully functional remote call setup! (but you can use the dialer on the phone if needed - eg: menu options in callcentres/voicemail settings etc)

    Give it a go and post back the results.. I'd be interested to see if it's just me :)
