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Strava - Private ride, public segment?

  • 03-01-2013 5:13pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 519 ✭✭✭

    Can I just make a segment public on Strava, but not the ride that the segment was created in?


  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell

    I believe so, yes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 519 ✭✭✭fixie fox

    I believe so, yes.
    Could you give me the Dummies Guide to same?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,992 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    Not sure I follow you. Segments can be created either using a ride or simply by created one yourself. Either way, you simply mark the segment as public, it is then completely separate from the ride itself.

    Once the segment is created simply go back to the ride and mark it as private. As far as I know you then won't appear on the listing.

    Go into the ride and select actions on the right>create segment>use the slider to mark out the segment>name it.

    Go back to the ride and mark it as private

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 519 ✭✭✭fixie fox

    Leroy42 wrote: »
    Not sure I follow you. Segments can be created either using a ride or simply by created one yourself. Either way, you simply mark the segment as public, it is then completely separate from the ride itself.

    Once the segment is created simply go back to the ride and mark it as private. As far as I know you then won't appear on the listing.
    "you simply mark the segment as public" - this is the bit that I can't do (while keeping the ride private - the segment was made from the ride)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,992 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    I just did it myself on a ride marked private.

    Click on the ride so that it brings you into the details screen with the map & stats. Select action on the right side of the screen and from that drop down select create segment.

    This opens up a new screen which alllows you to select the mark of the ride you want to create as a segment (sometimes it takes a while for the map and sliders to load). A map of the ride will appear and above is the slider tool which allows you to select the actual segment.

    Once you have selected the segment, click Next and Strava tries to find similar segments. If you want a new segment name your segment and click next.

    Job done

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 519 ✭✭✭fixie fox

    Leroy42 wrote: »
    I just did it myself on a ride marked private.

    Click on the ride so that it brings you into the details screen with the map & stats. Select action on the right side of the screen and from that drop down select create segment.

    This opens up a new screen which alllows you to select the mark of the ride you want to create as a segment (sometimes it takes a while for the map and sliders to load). A map of the ride will appear and above is the slider tool which allows you to select the actual segment.

    Once you have selected the segment, click Next and Strava tries to find similar segments. If you want a new segment name your segment and click next.

    Job done
    Thanks again. Yes, I did that and the segment is there, but no details of my ride!
