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TV Recommendation

  • 02-01-2013 5:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭

    Hey all, apologies in advance for asking this as I'm sure board members get sick of answering similar time and time again, but as I wouldn't rate my knowledge in the TV department, I'd appreciate any opinions on the following:

    I'm looking for a 32" TV for the bedroom. I don't have Sky or UPC. As it's only a second TV my budget is approx €300. Ideally I would have liked an in-built DVD player but as this seems to add a further €100 to the cost I'm prepared to let it go. My other ideal feature would be a recording function - i.e. to be able to record from TV to USB. Again, it's not a deal breaker but would be preferable.

    These are the three I have come across so far:
    I'd love one of the new Series Samsung TVs but as not within my budget this is the closest in Samsung I'm going to get. I don't think it has the recording function?
    I guess it's the original price (€500) that has grabbed my attention on this one? Was it really worth it to begin with and would I really be getting such a great bargain?
    I know this TV has the recording function referred to above.

    Any other models I should look at instead of the above??

    Thanking you for your help!:o

    PS I hope this is posted in the correct area of the boards. If not, please feel free to move.
