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  • 02-01-2013 2:16am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭

    Panda Blood May Hold Potent Assailant Against Superbugs
    Researchers have discovered a powerful antibody in panda blood that could serve as the next frontier in the fight against increasingly prevalent superbugs.

    The compound is called cathelicin-AM. Discovered when researchers analyzed the creatures' DNA, it has been found to kill fungus and bacteria. It is believed that the antibiotic is released to protect the animal from infections in the wild and, in studies, it has been found to kill both standard and drug-resistant strains of microbes and fungi. The compound also worked extremely quickly, killing off strains of bacteria in just an hour, while conventional antibiotics needed six.

    They cause much less drug resistance of microbes than conventional antibiotics."

    Researchers have been able to create a synthetic version of the material in the laboratory, decoding the genes in order to create a small molecule known as a peptide. That is good news because there is believed to be only about 1,600 pandas in the world right now.
    Ancient Antimicrobial Peptides Kill Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens: Australian Mammals Provide New Options
    To overcome the increasing resistance of pathogens to existing antibiotics the 10×'20 Initiative declared the urgent need for a global commitment to develop 10 new antimicrobial drugs by the year 2020.
    About time theirs been abit of movement here, relatively routine ops have run the risk of death for a few years now and having millions in the bank isin't gonna save or make you immune.

    Health chief warns: age of safe medicine is ending
    "A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill."

    "For patients infected with some drug-resistant pathogens, mortality has been shown to increase by around 50 per cent.

    Britain has seen a 30 per cent rise in cases of blood poisoning caused by E. coli bacteria between 2005 and 2009, from 18,000 to more than 25,000 cases. Those resistant to antibiotics have risen from 1 per cent at the beginning of the century to 10 per cent.

    An estimated 25,000 people die each year in the European Union from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.

    She called for measures to tackle the threat by doctors prescribing antibiotics appropriately

    "Worldwide, the fact that greater quantities of antibiotics are used in healthy animals than in unhealthy humans is a cause for great concern,"
    Animal use is a real example of short term, get rich quick thinking
    The new strain, MRSA ST398, has been identified in seven samples of bulk milk from five different farms in England.

    The disclosure comes amid growing concern over the use of modern antibiotics on British farms, driven by price pressure imposed by the big supermarket chains. Intensive farming with thousands of animals raised in cramped conditions means infections spread faster and the need for antibiotics is consequently greater.
    Three classes of antibiotics rated as “critically important to human medicine” by the World Health Organisation – cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and macrolides – have increased in use in the animal population by eightfold in the last decade.
    Have to keep those antibiotics on tap, god forbid the cows get Mastitis and they're Milk is interrupted.

    Don't worry about little 2 year old Mary with pnemonia in the hospital down the road.:rolleyes:
    “Common sense tells us that anything we can do to reduce use of antibiotics will reduce the growth of resistant bugs. We want to wean our farmers off antibiotics and the only way we can do that is with better regulation.”
    In the mean time, their was actually an application in to build a 3,770 battery cow farm, that actually started out at 8,100 Cow Farm.:eek:

    The 1600 Pandas will probably be poached to extinction now that this is out aswell.
