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Men and Suicide / Charity

  • 17-11-2012 2:46pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭


    Where do I start. I don't want to get into specifics here, mainly to protect the privacy of the families involved or rather the families that are grieving.

    About 3 weeks ago a well known public figure in our town took his live. Much loved and respected. He was 39. Lived close.

    A week to his death another guy around the same age does the same thing and leaves behind a young family.

    Both Men had Jobs and were not under financial pressures.

    Am still a little bit in Shock. But not suicidal.. just usual sadness. I have some good mates and we talk things out.

    Anyway.. I decided to get some objective help to make sure I was coping and if I needed to do anything better. I called AWARE, Their lines were busy but there was a message to call the SAMARITANS instead, Which I did and they were helpful. pretty much gave me the advise I already knew, but not harm getting your problems checked and getting objective advise.

    What I have found out..

    1. There is no dedicated Mens Charity for Mental or Suicide Issues.
    2. 87% of Suicides in Ireland are men.
    3. 400+ Men take their lives in the republic every year
    4. There is no unified suicide support helpline.. How many of you would know the number of any of them? Why don't we have one number that could direct users to the various charities that support this? Everyone would know the number for directory enquiries 11890... Why don't we have a number like this for Crisis Support?

    I suppose the worst thing about the whole experience was that people won't talk about it. Its happened, they are buried. In fact the 2nd suicide was nearly rushed to get him buried. Too painful to give more facts.

    I am not from the area.... But one guy I heard said.. This is the start of it. That before the winter was out there would "normally" be 2 or 3 more.

    And if this is my town... What's it like all over Ireland. We know when a person is killed on the Road,, but there are nearly double deaths to suicide.

    Is it not time to build awareness of the issue and to teach boys from an early age to talk about their problems and to have a service that everyone knows about that is available to help.

    Or do we go with the existing attitude that ... sure its bound to happen.

    Lastly many of the Charities that offer help have Women on the end of the line.. And a BIG thank you to them for their extremely valuable work. Extremely professional and dedicated. But should we not also look to get men involved to help other men in this area.

    I know suicide is an issue that effects Men and Women.. But I think Men are more drastic with this nuclear option, While women may attempt it, more of them survive it than men.

    Anyway my thoughts on it. I posted in Gentlemen's Club,, to get a male view on this. I hope no women get offended with anything on this post, that was not my intention.
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