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What helps you with anxiety/depression?I want to help someone but I don't know how

  • 24-10-2012 7:06am
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Lately my sister has been suffering from very severe anxiety. It seems to be a very physical experience as well as emotional. She doesn't know what she is afraid of,mostly she seems afraid of being afraid, of being overwhelmed by the constant anxiety. Watching how severely it's affecting her I can understand that. It's dominating all day everyday for her despite medication.So far that's helped her eat and sleep again but the days are hard. I love her so much, it's so hard to see her go through such absolute torment. I don't know much about these things or how to help. I wondered if anyone here who had experience of this kind of anxiety might know what I could do that might help or if you've any suggestions for the small things that get you through bad days that I could recommend? What do you wish other people knew or wish they'd do to help you through this?

    Maybe a thread of "What helps you" might be useful here too to give sufferers little ideas of the normal everyday things that people do that help them and people who would like to help could get ideas as well.
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