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  • 21-10-2012 8:55pm
    Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭

    Has anyone etried it for long term illness? The person i am enquiring for has ME so if anyone has ME who had Bioenergy please tell what the result was


  • Registered Users Posts: 618 ✭✭✭OUTDOORLASS

    I have 2 relations that use Bio on an ongoing basis...
    One has Parkinsons, and says that it has really helped. Bio seems to be keeping the disease from progressing too rapidily.
    The other relation uses it for depression. Makes a huge difference. He says he feels all the bad stuff float away.
    Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I tried this and thought it was a total waste of time, on top of which I was not too happy with the person doing it as she tended to arrive late for the sessions (I always booked the first session after lunch in order to avoid having to wait, but this didn't work in this case!), and once put someone else ahead of me who had not booked before me even though sitting around was making me very ill.

    She also had a tendency to make things up and imagine I had symptoms I didn't - e.g. after the first session she asked me was I less anxious and I was a bit surprised as I never had any anxiety, so I told her I was not less anxious as I had not been anxious in the first place.

    They also expected me to stand for the first part which was exhausting for me - though this is partly my fault I should really have objected to this, but I was trying to do the treatment "properly" so went along with it. But if they consider this standing bit vital for the treatment I don't think most people with ME could do this without feeling worse.

    So my experiene was not good. I also thought they pushed testimonials a bit in a way that reminded me a bit of those TV Evangelists in the US.
