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Blood clots and infertility???

  • 19-10-2012 2:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys,

    Didn't really know where to post this so apologies to Mods if it's in the wrong place... I feel a bit lost at the mo....

    I am 27 years old and when I was 25 I was diagnosed with multiple DVT in my leg. Went on Warfarin for 3 months, came off it, got another clot, went on again for 3 months, came off it and then got another... I am now on warfarin for life. When people hear that they seem really shocked and that, but to be honest, taking a tablet or two each night and a blood test every few weeks is a small price to pay for staying upright.... anyhoooo... i digress....

    Since I was about 16 my menstral cycle has been all over the place... every 2 weeks... then nothing for 3 months.... generally my cycle is about 5-6 weeks now. Myself and my fiance have been half heartedly trying to concieve for about a year now with no joy. We are really interested in starting a family now and nothing seems to be happening. I have consulted a gyn consultant and am awaiting blood test results, hoping to have some kind of insight into whats going on on the 5th November, but I have recently read articles stating a supposed link between hereditary thrombosis (which is what I have...DAMN YOU GENES!!!) and infertility...

    I am just wondering if anyone has had any experience of this? As i said I could be posting in the completely wrong forum, if so, I apologise....
