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Susi grant declined need help!

  • 12-10-2012 10:05pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 28

    Need Help SUSI grant declined! Appeals
    Hi guys i did a level 8 business course in 2009 hated it had no interst in it so finished and didnt do my repeats ,took a year out, and re apllied the year after to office information systems level 6 as i did not get the points for the level 8 a course in which i am so interested in, completed 1st year and now in 2nd year and loving it going doing 3rd and 4th year got DECLINED cos i did level 8 before and told me im going no where i understand that it was a level 8 but am i going to be punished for the rest my years for my mistake ne help by ye needed should i appeal????
    user_online.pngreport.gif progress.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 36 kaflin

    You can appeal but you're just wasting your time.

    To get a grant you need to be progressing up through the levels. You did Year 1 of a Level 8 course and dropped out.
    Until you move on to do Year 2 of a Level 8 course you aren't eligible for a grant.
    You can do an entire Level 6 and a Level 7, you won't get a grant for it.

    The only way around that is if you were completely out of education for 5 years, at which point the slate is wiped clean and you can reapply as a Second chance Student.
