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Picking Teams

  • 05-10-2012 7:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭

    How does your club pick teams for leagues?

    In my badminton club the committee picks the team. I don't know what basis they use to pick the team but most of the main team are also on the committee? In my opinion there are better players in the club who are far superior than those on the team but are overlooked.

    The ones on the team are long standing members of the club and the committee but should length of service to the club really be considered when picking a team or you a club be putting out the best team that they can?

    What does your club do - selectors, playoffs, names into a hat or some other system. I guess its the same for tennis, badminton, squash so it's not only badminton clubs I'd like to hear from!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1

    i'm a member of a tennis club in south dublin.

    our club is similar to yours in that the club captain picks the teams.

    i think some clubs base selection on a player's position on a ladder, i think this would be a fairer system
