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Not just the Catholics at it

  • 25-09-2012 10:10am
    Registered Users Posts: 8,971 ✭✭✭

    Important letter in the Irish Times today
    Sir, – As a former orphan I welcome the children’s rights referendum. I hope it will prevent in future the abuse that I suffered as a child along with over 30 others in the Westbank Orphanage, Greystones, Wicklow.

    Some criticism is emerging to the effect that the provisions might give the State too much power.

    All I can say is that the state exercised none over Westbank. As a Protestant Evangelical institution it was left to its own devices without any apparent interference. We had our names changed to that of the owner, the late Adeline Mathers. We suffered physical plus sexual abuse and were used as child labour on farms and in shops in Northern Ireland.

    In addition we were paraded as orphan children in front of church-goers in Northern Ireland. We were expected to perform party pieces in the expectation that this would exercise the charitable sentiments of onlookers. It did, but the money raised and new goods and toys donated were not for the benefit of the children.

    I use the term “orphanage” advisedly in that it was almost impossible to adopt a child out of the place, unless prospective parents conformed to Miss Mathers’ interpretation of God’s plan for human kind. I know this because my half brother was forcibly extracted (literally) from Westbank by people who became his loving adoptive parents in Northern Ireland. Of course, we only became aware years later that we were half-brothers, as even twins in Westbank were denied knowledge of sibling relationships.

    I am for the State exercising power over religious fanatics who think their interpretation of God’s law is superior to all else. The State is required to exercise its powers. In our case it did not, as was also the case with the Bethany Home, Dublin, where I was born in 1966. That has to change.

    Currently, the records of Westbank have been removed from PACT, the former Protestant Adoption Society, by the Westbank Trustees in Bray Gospel Hall. They appear to have no training in such matters and are reluctant to give information to former Westbank residents. Perhaps the State could start to show some good intent by taking an interest in that. – Yours, etc,


    (Formerly “Robin Mathers” of

    Westbank Orphanage),


    Co Cork.

    Sometimes, I think there should a muesum or a memorial which presents all the facts about the child abuses from religious orders in this state. There are plenty about the halocaust - why not this?

    It is as if some people want it to be forgotten about.

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