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  • 16-09-2012 7:25pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Has anyone here waxed down below? I'm quite tempted to do it, not all over but just in one patch. My pubes kind of grow up the shaft of my penis a bit at the sides, I find it very annoying. I normally shave frequently anyway so it does not get a chance to grow too long too often, but still wazor burn etc is a pain. A while back I simply got a tweezers and plucked a load out in the bit that was annoying me. It look ages and sometimes hurt a bit but it was a lot nicer afterwards. I'm thinking I should get some form of waxing kit like girls use for their legs etc - but have no idea what. Has anyone done this? I just want to do a tiny bit at a time. Any advice or experiences?
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