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Cork Journalists/Writers

  • 24-08-2012 4:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1 is unique. We’re the world’s first national online student community.
    We’ve just completed several months of beta testing and we’re starting to design and build Studenty 2.0 which based on all we've learnt, will be a big leap forward and a radically different model.
    We're recruiting a high calibre team to execute our highly ambitious business plan. Our beta website is on target to generate in excess of 1,000,000 visitors this year and has a realistic monetisation strategy ready to execute.
    Our overall strategy is fast growth and first to market, initially in Ireland, but then quickly into GB and beyond. Within our significant and attractive market niche, we have NO EFFECTIVE COMPETITION – GLOBALLY.
    If you are a current or recent student, are passionate about student related subjects like sport, entertainment, music etc and can write or podcast effectively, we really want to hear from you. As an online journalist with Studenty, you'll help us deliver informative and entertaining content to our student audience that will be the core of our online community. In exchange we'll develop your skills in online writing, team-working and other key soft skills that employers rate highly, plus we'll give you a national platform to experiment and build awareness of your work. We also want to hear from musicians, artists of all kinds, photographers, animators, games designers. Whatever your skill or passion there's a place for you in our team.
    For those who add significant value over time, we'll offer ownership in Studenty Ireland, via share options.
