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Rent Supplement

  • 02-08-2012 7:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12

    I have been living in a property for the past year that I have been able to afford without the need for rent supplement as the maintenance I receive for my children and the 30 euro I would have to pay anyway covers it, so I wasn't entitled to claim anyway.

    My daughter has been very ill the last few months and I now need to move areas to be closer to family. My landlord isn't renewing our tenancy agreement anyway as he needs the house back for his own family, so I would have to move house anyway.

    The area I need to move back too the rent is higher for the same type of property which I am entitled to have, I would still have to pay my maintenance towards the rent and the 30 euro but this would leave me short about 50 a week rent which I should be entitled to claim for. The rent on a house I have found is under the rent limits I am entitled to but would the CWO insist I can only qualify for Rent Supplement by applying to the local authority for housing need rather than under the renting privately for 6 months rule because my financial circumstances haven't changed but the rent on the new house is just higher?? I am on OPFB.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
