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JSA/BTEA/RA and Engaged?

  • 02-08-2012 5:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭

    Okay, so my boyfriend proposed to me last night, delighted of course and said yes. But only today, I became a little worried because I am currently in receipt of Rent Allowance and Jobseekers (only during the Summer, auto-reverts to BTEA as of September). We're not living together at present, but were considering a move together (He is working and claiming social welfare, both part time since he left the army). I was just wondering if our being engaged would affect any of my payments, and what would we need to do if we decided to live together (He's not planning on staying on his stamps for much longer). Also, would a joint account used to save for a wedding affect my eligibility to any of my payments? This is my graduating year and I don't want to end up having dire financial difficulty over a change in my relationship status :(
