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Part time employed and self employed social welfare help!!!

  • 02-08-2012 4:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Would be so very grateful of an enlightment!!
    Both my husband and I work part time and claim social welfare.
    Me: 3 days per week and claiming JSA
    Him: 2 days per week currently being means tested as JSB has run out.

    What we need help with:
    He has qualifications which would enable him to set up as a sole trader and maybe gain an extra 1-3 days work per week in the Summer months.
    During Winter it would slow down to 1 day per week or probably none!
    I'm aware that you can't work more than 3 days per week and get social welfare but my questions are:
    1:Can he set up and still "sign on" ( dockets or however that works) continuing to get welfare for the weeks he only gets one day extra or none.
    2:Would he totally loose all social welfare benefits?

    Any help would be great as we need to weigh up if we are going to spend money ( we don't really have!) on setting this up and then be down a serious amount the weeks that he doesn't get extra days himself.

    Thanks you :)
