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Rent supplement??

  • 01-08-2012 10:22am
    Registered Users Posts: 204 ✭✭

    Hi there,This is our story and I am wondering if or how do we apply for housing.

    My finace owned an apartment when I met him 6 years ago. Since then it has been handed back as I lost my job and he is self employed (business not going great), we also have a small child .We moved in with him parent, which we are so gratefully for.we had no choice but to hand back the apartment as it took more than 1.5 years or my dole to be sorted out , so we were living on very little money each week.

    My question is how do we get our own pace now? Can't live with his parents for much longer as they have basically said it time to move on!!!!
    Thanks in advance for your help.

