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Internet connection sharing on XBOX360 via PS3/Wii?

  • 30-07-2012 12:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 7,860 ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure if this exists but figured I'd ask.

    So I just got a second hand Xbox360. It doesn't have wireless so I was looking at buying the adapter. While googling, I found a few sites that give step by step guides to hook up your laptop and use internet connection sharing to get onto XBOX Live.

    Now, I also have a PS3 and Wii, both modded, sitting beside this new xbox.

    My question is, can I hook the XBOX360 up to my kmeaw PS3 or modded Wii via ethernet cable, and allow the xbox to piggyback/share their wireless connecion, so as to save me buying a wifi adapter, or hooking up my laptop every time I want to go online?

