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Safari's default search engine

  • 27-07-2012 10:24am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,132 ✭✭✭

    I've set up Chrome's default search engine as

    Is there a way to configure Safari to do the same i.e. use rather than


  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 22,698 CMod ✭✭✭✭Sad Professor

    There shouldn't be any need. Google automatically detects your location and defaults to the .ie site. Does for me anyway.

    EDIT: Actually I'm mistaken. It doesn't automatically switch to the .ie site when searching via Safari. Strange that there's no option for this.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 898 ✭✭✭Liameter

    These are the instructions to add "Startpage" for ultimate privacy. I imagine you can do the same with if you want the complete opposite of privacy.

    You can add Startpage to the Safari search box via the third party Add-on "Glims". The settings you saved in 'My Settings' will be respected.


    1. Please download and INSTALL the "Glims" Add-on from: and restart Safari
    2. Go to Safari -> Preferences and click on the "Glims" icon
    3. On the left section, click on "Search Engines"
    4. Click the "Add" button at the bottom
    5. In the box that pops up,
    a) type into the "Name" field: Startpage
    b) in "Query URL" field, replace the with the
    (make sure the URL contains '&query=#query#')
    6. Click the "Add" button and scroll till you find the Startpage entry and drag it with your mouse to the top (you could also choose to uncheck all the other search engines)
    7. Close the Safari -> Preferences and restart Safari. Now Startpage should be visible in your search box, type a search term and [Enter]
