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Embed Pictures in Post

  • 26-07-2012 5:43pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,407 ✭✭✭

    You use to be able to attach a photo to a post then by copying and pasting the properties you could insert the attached pic into the post so its visible without having to click on the attachment. Is there anyway of doing this now? Or do I have to upload pics on to a hosting site like flickr then insert the link from there?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    You use to be able to attach a photo to a post then by copying and pasting the properties you could insert the attached pic into the post so its visible without having to click on the attachment. Is there anyway of doing this now? Or do I have to upload pics on to a hosting site like flickr then insert the link from there?

    What I do when the picture I have is saved on my laptop and not currently online is:

    - Click attachments and upload picture
    - Preview the post
    - Open the attachment link in a new tab which gives you an online linky then
    - Click 'Insert Image' and copy/paste the linky from ^^ that point.

    That's one option but I'm sure their could be more.

    Hope that helps :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,047 ✭✭✭CabanSail

    It is best practice to host images on a dedicated site and then Hotlink them into a post. I know Flickr provide the scripts and do too and are easier to find, as well as being Irish.

    There are times when uploading is more suitable. Below is the method I use to upload and embed together.
    1. Press "Go Advanced" button.
    2. In Additional Options, Press "Manage Attachments" button. This should open a Pop-Up Window.
    3. Browse to find the image & upload OR provide the URL of the image.
    4. The file appears in Current Attachments. Copy the URL of that image.
    5. Press Close this Window.
    6. Click on the Image Icon above (Yellow box with mountains in it)
    7. Paste URL saved is step 4 into the box provided. Press OK
    8. The image should be embedded in the post. I have just added a pic here of my recent gardening effort.


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