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Sky remote not accepting tv setup codes

  • 19-07-2012 12:33pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭


    Hope someone can give me a bit of help with this strange one. I've got an old Panasonic Sky's at least 10 years old. I've had to change my tv to an old Walker model and when I tried to set up the code on the remote to contol volume etc it wont accept the code.

    Went through the TV, hold Red & Select (blinks twice), enter code (1177). At this point nothing happens. Pressing TV and power does nothing. Volume doesn't work. I've tried it on another tv - same.

    There is no sticker inside to show the version number of the remote so dont know where to go. Prob have to chuck it in the bin :rolleyes:



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,905 ✭✭✭steveon

    Its highly possible that your remote is blue in colour and so probably a revision before version 6 and Most tv's under the walker brand are made in the last 2-3 yrs and so mite not be able to program using an old remote. However sometime's they will work if you knock off the first digit and use the last three digits instead so it mite be worth a shot trying 177.

    use the following method to enter 3 digit code.

    1. Turn on your TV.

    2. Press tv on your Sky remote control.

    3. Hold down select and the red button together for about two seconds, until the red light on the Sky remote control blinks twice.

    4. Key in the three digits of the first 'Direct Set' code for the manufacturer of your TV and press select; the red light on the Sky remote control will blink twice.

    5. Press tv and try the handset, using all the function buttons like power, volume and channel etc. If it works all the TV functions, then try the tv guide button.

    6. If the Direct set code did not work then start again from step 1 with the next three digit code in the list for the manufacturer of your TV.

    7. Press tv guide .
    If you see the TV Guide screen, the remote control setup process is complete.

    If you did not see the TV Guide, you must now set the TV Guide function as follows:

    8. Press tv on your Sky remote control.

    9. Hold down select and the green button together for about two seconds, until the red light on the Sky remote control blinks twice.

    10. Key in the number of the channel on your TV that you use for watching satellite TV (For scart switching, this may be one of the other buttons on your remote e.g. help, i or a colour button).

    11. Press select on your Sky remote control. The red light blinks twice. The remote control setup process is complete.

    If no joy remotes are quite cheap less than €20 and you shoulder looking for revision 8 or 8r which are the latest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭FanadMan

    Thanks for that Steve. Will try it when I get a wee boost of energy :) Yeah, the remote is blue and is at least 10 years old. I tried it on a tv that is nearly 20 (toshiba) years old and it still didnt work but it worked on the original tv (panasonic) that must be between 15 and 20 years old.

    The Walker tv is only about 3 years old so prob way too new for the old remote. Do you know anything about them? Was the largest and most importantly, the cheapest tv in the shop when I bought it :D

    Anyway, am not too worried cos got hold of a sky+ all I have to do is save up for the extra cable and sky+ remote lol

    Will try the 3 digit code soon.

    Thanks anyway :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,248 ✭✭✭kbell

    Try the Phillips code 0081
    Press (tv) then(select) and (red) together, light blinks twice, (tv) again, 0081then (select) to confirm.
    This might work.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭FanadMan

    kbell wrote: »
    Try the Phillips code 0081
    Press (tv) then(select) and (red) together, light blinks twice, (tv) again, 0081then (select) to confirm.
    This might work.

    Kbell, you are a genius :D Worked straight away - you managed what Sky support failed at lol.

    Cheers :)
