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Anyone missing a kitten from Lough Atalia, Galway?

  • 04-07-2012 8:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 370 ✭✭

    This is a bit mad but my housemate was in Galway until late last night and he was parked at the lay-by on the Lough Atalia road on the water side. When he got back to his vehicle he thought he heard a cat meowing. He couldn't see any cat so he drove home to south county Mayo. When he got home, he again thought he heard a cat but we have cats at our house so he thought nothing of it.

    He left to go on holidays abroad early this morning and parked his vehicle up at our house.

    I got home from work an hour ago (knowing nothing of the above) and heard frantic meowing that appeared to be coming from his van. Eventually found my housemate's keys, opened the bonnet and found a tiny kitten sitting on the battery terrified. Needless to say it's going completely nuts.

    I had no idea how far it had travelled (over 30 miles) until a few minutes ago.

    It's about 4 weeks old I'd say, it has blue eyes, it looks like this. I'll get pictures of it later.

    Chances are it's probably feral but if anyone is missing a little kitten, please get in touch.

    I imagine this kitten needs its mother.

    Any advice on what to do with it? I already have several cats and can't afford to take another on, I don't want to allow it near my own cats as it's likely not vaccinated, etc.

    It is currently very wild, hissing and spitting, but that's probably because of the horrible journey it made late last night.

    Would it be worth contacting the ISPCA in Galway or would they just put it down?

    Thanks :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,234 ✭✭✭honerbright

    Poor little kitten! Suprising how often you hear about cats crawling up inside bonnets.

    I don't know too much about the SPCA but I know the Galway Cat Rescue wouldn't put the kitten down so might be worth contacting them

    In the mean time, is the kitten eating solid foods at all? Maybe a local vet would be able to provide some formula or something if it's not able for solids yet.

    Best of luck with him/her :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 697 ✭✭✭swiftman

    they jump into the bonnet to go near the heated engine.

    one thing that happens often is when the driver restarts the car the car might be sitting near the fan :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 370 ✭✭R0C

    Thanks, will give Cat Rescue a call tomorrow. :)

    Kitten wolfed down some solid food earlier thankfully.

    There's no way the kitten climbed that high up into the engine of its own accord (it's a high van), I would take a guess that it was carried in by mammy, but no sign of mammy cat now.. No gruesome remains either though, she probably ran away when the engine started.

    Poor little thing is meowing constantly, I've got it in a little bed in a cat carry case so hopefully it'll settle down soon.

    Will keep this thread posted :)
