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M249 feed fix

  • 04-06-2012 10:44am
    Registered Users Posts: 939 ✭✭✭

    hi folks

    just a quick feed fix for any of you m249 users having feed issues such as bb s jamming in the box with no bb s actually coming to the top of the mag exit.

    depending on the game type i like to use my 249 where possible , but i started noticing it would jam inside the box mag and not allow bb s to feed into the gun.. as my 249 was always a very solid performer i set about investigating this (hindsight would say i should have taken photos) but went as follows
    i removed the inners from the box mag and then separated the circuit board/gear housing from from each other to reveal all the inner workings of the mag
    i removed the feeder cog for inspection and found the teeth that load the bb were worn and in two cases chipped which lent itself to 2 bbs jamming in a slot where 1 would normally fit
    The fix , i stripped a high cap windy mag that i had and removed its feeder cog to find it was a perfect match for the original box mag cog
    so i replaced the cog and refitted all parts together and tested it on its own first by holding open the catch at the top of the mag exit just to allow the bbs to flow back into a bag and then on the gun itself
    the result,
    perfect feed again with no jamming what so ever and always a good pressure at the end of the mag and 100% consistent feed through the gun on every shot
    this took me maybe 30 mins but i was nt in any rush
    for anyone not too excited about splitting the box mag and the symptoms sound similar i d have no problem in fixing it for you , all i need is donor windy mag and the box mag itself
    hope this helps guys
