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Bad Wisdom tooth extraction - Advice please

  • 29-05-2012 12:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    I am looking for some advice on what to do and where to go next with my situation.
    I will start from the beginning,

    Monday– I woke up with a slightly swollen lower right side of my face, it wasn’t hugely noticeable unless pointed out. It was a dull constant pain but bearable. My friend (who works in a pharmacy) seen me and said it looked like an abscess beginning.
    When I woke up on Tuesday morning, my face was considerably more swollen and the pain had increased although I could not locate the pain to a precise tooth.

    After calling three other dentists around my area, with no luck of an appointment, I came across a number for a dentist in Dublin. My appointment was booked midday.

    I had never been before so I filled out the regular form at reception. The dentist walked in and immediately I got the impression that he wasn’t fully with it, I know that might sound weird, but I just didn’t feel comfortable at all, he seemed very unprofessional, not addressing me first,told him that I was in pain but bearable pain, my face was swollen and this had just recently happened and I was assuming it was an abscess. He did not really talk to me or inform me what was going on but spoke AT (not to, he was so rude to his assistant!).

    He then indicated that I required my wisdom tooth out as I had pain when he pressed it. I asked him would it be best if I left and came back for a later appointment later that week(thinking that he wouldn’t pull out the tooth if there was an abscess and that I didn’t feel comfortable with this dentist from the beginning let alone to pull my tooth out).

    He did not give me any advice on pulling the tooth, no other options were mentioned, no side effects or what to expect. I really thought that he would advise/guide me during or after the procedure. I have heard of people getting the option of having the tooth pulled in hospital under general anesthetic, but I was not. He said nothing about the reason it had to be pulled or how easy/difficult the extraction would be.

    I was very concerned about the price as I have not been to this dentist before and I had only my laser card with me. He told me that the extraction would cost €130 and then the cost of the appointment would be €30. I agreed to the price and completely ignored my gut feeling and common sense & agreed to have the tooth pulled.

    He then started to administer the local anesthetic. First jab pain was bearable, second jab started and the pain was immense. It felt like my head was going to explode with pain, I started to cry very heavily and between the pain and the feeling distrust in this man’s skills combined lead to a instant panic attack, the pain was horrific, and he didn’t stop, he told me to “stop making this difficult for myself”, “you’re not making this easy for anyone”, I couldn’t breathe correctly and the panic and pain doubled and the needle was still being pushed into my jaw. The assistant could clearly see the panic in my eyes and tried to stop me from hyperventilating by a hand on my shoulder. She then tried to remove the protective glasses from my face, I guess to wipe my eyes and the dentist raised his hand to her aggressively and pushed her arm away in an effort to stop her. He could then see how bad I was as my make up was now down to my chin.

    When he stopped, I told him in a panic that that was extremely painful and his response was “we must have hit the nerve ending, sometimes this happens, I’ve had it done myself and it’s very painful”.

    I was in shock!!! What?!?!? Has this man put me through this pain in error? Hitting my nerve ending and thinks his words will make me feel better?” I was asked to wait in the hall till the anesthetic kicked in. I came out with a horror look on my face, crying uncontrollably, and stood in the hallway for 10 minutes deciding whether to run now while I had the chance. I was actually afraid of what was going to happen.

    He then went in with some tool... and I shouted that I could feel pain and the anesthetic had not fully kicked in. He then told me that I am confusing pressure with pain(I was not) and in a very moody bark, told his assistant to give him another cartridge, he then went again to inject my gum... this time though the needle was touching my top lip, I panicked and moved my head – this man couldn’t see the needle end!!! He again went and again it was on my top lip, until his assistant moved the needle from my top and directed his hand back to my mouth.

    At this point I was crying continually in panic for about an hour. He pulled the wisdom tooth, the assistant showed this to me, she handed me an envelope with some antibiotics in it and a clear small zip bag. He then said “the guidance is on the envelope, and I’m sure you have pain killers at home”. Told me not to drink alcohol and do not rinse. That’s it, no after care treatment, no info on how long I should take from work, what would happen, what to expect, he did mention that I have a filling so I could make an app to come back.. YE RIGHT! THIS MAN IS NUTS.

    I left politely; I was in shock and pain and just wanted to get out of there. I paid the €160 charge and left. I went to my car and cried again but now the pain travelled to my eyes and head and jaw. I could not bear the pain. I went home and cried in pain until my friend brought home some painkillers.

    I went to another local dentist on the off chance they would see me, or give me some advice, nope, but the nurse did look at my face and said I shouldn’t be so swollen and the pain should have come down. The swelling went down on Friday and by Sunday the swelling gone completely. But I still have a numb tongue.

    I am so worried that this horrible, annoying feeling on my tongue wont go away, it’s like my tongue is swollen and burnt on the right side. It has affected my speech and my confidence. My friend also said that the dentist should not have given me tablets but a prescription for the medication.

    I am returning to the dentist today to get the x-ray, so hopefully she will have some good news or advice for me.

    I am writing this to get some guidance on what to do next, was what you read acceptable? Was this a normal procedure? Should I complain about this man? What if he does this again? Should I try claim the cost that I have incurred from the other dentist?

    I have tried to call this dentist but when I heard his voice (I know this sounds silly, but I was really traumatised after this event) I had to hang up, it scared me to speak to him...


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 21,653 Mod ✭✭✭✭helimachoptor

    Jesus OP..use paragraphs!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 HelsBels001

    Sorry about that, I'm not a regular poster :confused:..

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 933 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dianthus

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience, OP, it sounds like it has been very traumatic for you.
    At the very least, it seems that you have serious concerns about the communication/poor manner issue on your last visit, as well as current queries about the swelling& numbness.
    If it isn't possible for you to speak to the dentist directly on the phone, you should ideally write to him, outlining your concerns. (If needs be, a copy of the post above, just as you have written it).
    If you do not receive a satisfactory response, there is also a Dental Complaints Resolution Service (094-9025105), recently launched, spearheaded by the Consumers Association, and backed by the Irish Dental Association.
    It seems like you are far more comfortable with your new dentist also, which is the main thing. Best of luck with everything.
