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Help with finishing a project

  • 22-05-2012 5:25pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 300 ✭✭

    Hi, if someone could help finishing 2 functions in this code would be greatfull. Program to embed a bitmap picture into another picture.
    Few beers from me :D

    // ### Entities #########################################################################
    // Extraction
    // FILE* image_in; This is the bitmap which contains the embedded file.
    // Embedding
    // FILE* originalBMP ; The original file which is to be altered
    // FILE* embeddedFile ; The file which is to be embedded
    // FILE* alteredBMP ; The altered version of originalBMP
    // The bmp contains 3 parts, header ( 14 bytes)
    // info ( 40 bytes)
    // image ( Remainder if file)
    // The hidden file is contained in the image section as 2 parts:
    // leader ( 86 bytes contained in the first 8 * 86 bytes of image)
    // embeddedFile ( embeddedLength bytes long, contained in next (8 * embeddedLength) bytes of image.)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    //### This function is complete #############################
    //===== main =============================================================================
    // Asks user whether they wish to extract or embed a file in a bitmap container file
    int main()
    // prototypes
    void embed (void);
    void extract(void);

    // variables
    char choice;

    // Code
    printf("\nWhat would you like to do\n\n");
    printf(" 1) Extract a file from an image\n");
    printf(" 2) embed a file into an image\n\n");
    printf(" 0) Exit\n\n");
    printf(" > ");

    choice = getchar();
    while ((choice !='0' ) && (choice != '1') && (choice != '2') );

    if (choice == '1') extract();
    if (choice == '2') embed();


    //# Extraction

    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== extract ==========================================================================
    //# Extacts a file from a container bmp file
    void extract(void)
    // prototypes
    FILE* askAndOpen ( char message[], char mode );
    int BMPheaders ( FILE* image_in, unsigned char header[], unsigned char info[] );
    int searchForFile( unsigned char image[], char filename[] );
    void saveFile ( unsigned char image[], char filename[], int im_size );

    // variables
    FILE* image_in;

    unsigned char header[14]; // Array containing bmp header information
    unsigned char info [40]; // Array containing bmp info section
    unsigned char* image; // pointer to image data

    int imageSize; // size of data part of image.
    int embeddedLength; // Length of embedded file
    char embeddedName[80]; // Name of embedded file

    // code
    image_in = askAndOpen("Please enter name of image file: ",'r'); // open container (bmp) file

    imageSize = BMPheaders( image_in, header, info ); // read and analyse headers of container (bmp) file
    if ( NULL == (image = (unsigned char*)malloc(imageSize)) ) exit(5); // assign memory to store image section of container (bmp)
    if ( imageSize != fread(image, sizeof(char), imageSize, image_in) ) exit(6); // read image section of container (bmp) file.

    // At this point we have read in the header, info and image section of the
    // bmp file. Now we need to extract the embedded file from the image section

    embeddedLength = searchForFile(image, embeddedName); // check if there is a file embedded in image.
    // If there is, embedded Length > 0
    if (embeddedLength) saveFile (image, embeddedName, embeddedLength); // extract and save the file which is embedded in the image section

    free (image);
    fclose (image_in);


    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== searchForFile ====================================================================
    //# Analyses the container bmp image section to see if there is a file embedded there.
    //# If a file is embedded it returns the length of the file, and the filename is stored in filename[]
    int searchForFile(unsigned char image[], char filename[])
    // prototypes
    unsigned char groupToByte( unsigned char group[8] );

    // variables
    unsigned char leader[86];
    unsigned char group [8];
    int i;
    int j;

    // Code

    for (i=0; i<86; i++) // The leader contains 86 bytes
    for ( j=0; j<8; j++ ) // Copy 8 bytes from image section to group
    group[j] = image[ i*8 + j ];

    leader = groupToByte(group); // Construct byte in leader from 8 bytes in group

    if ( (leader[0] == 'K') && (leader[1] == 'S') ) // if the first two chars are KS
    { // A file is embedded
    for (i=0; i<79; i++)
    filename = (leader[i+2] == '*') ? 0 : leader[i+2] ; // extract filename
    printf ("Filelength = %d", leader[82] + 256*( leader[83] + 256*(leader[84] + 256 * leader[85]))); // return length
    return (leader[82] + 256*( leader[83] + 256*(leader[84] + 256 * leader[85]))); // return length
    else // No file embedded
    return (0); // return length = 0


    //## This function is incomplete. You need to extract the embedded file from the image section INCOMPLETE
    // of the bmp file, and save the file as filename[]
    //===== saveFile =========================================================================
    //# extracts embedded data from image and saves it to a file.
    void saveFile(unsigned char image[], char filename[], int filelength)
    // prototypes
    unsigned char groupToByte( unsigned char group[8] );

    // The hidden file is embedded in the array 'image' It is necessary to extract it and
    // save it as a file. The length of the hidden file is 'filename' and it is 'filelength'
    // bytes long.
    // The extraction process is almost a cut and paste of the code in searchForFile()
    // but you must remember that 86 bytes have already been extracted as the leader.


    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== groupToByte ======================================================================
    //# extracts the least significant bit from 8 bytes and combines them into a single byte.
    unsigned char groupToByte( unsigned char group[8] )
    // variables
    unsigned char Byte = 0;
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    Byte = Byte * 2 + (group % 2) ;

    //# Embedding

    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== embed ============================================================================
    //# Asks user for names of container bmp file, file to be embedded, and output file.
    //# Opens these files and outputs file containing embedded file.
    void embed (void)
    // prototypes
    FILE* askAndOpen ( char message[], char mode );
    int BMPheaders ( FILE* image_in, unsigned char header[], unsigned char info[] );
    void EmbedFile ( unsigned char image[], char filename[], unsigned char data[], int filelength );

    // variables
    FILE* originalBMP ;
    FILE* embeddedFile ;
    FILE* alteredBMP ;
    unsigned char header[14]; // Array containing bmp header information
    unsigned char info [40]; // Array containing bmp info section
    unsigned char* image; // pointer to image data
    int imageSize; // size of data part of image.

    unsigned char* embeddedData; // pointer to storage for embedded file
    int embeddedLength; // length of embedded file
    char embeddedName[80]; // name of embedded file

    // code

    // Open and read contents of original bmp file to contain embedded file.
    originalBMP = askAndOpen("Please enter name of container file : ",'r'); // open container file for reading
    imageSize = BMPheaders( originalBMP, header, info ); // read and analyse headers of container file
    if ( NULL == (image = (unsigned char*)malloc(imageSize)) ) exit(5); // assign memory to store image section of container
    if ( imageSize != fread(image, sizeof(char), imageSize, originalBMP) ) exit(6); // read image section of container file.
    fclose( originalBMP ); // close bmp file

    // Open and read contents of embedded file.
    do // open embedded file
    printf("Please enter name of file to be embedded: ");
    fgets(embeddedName,80,stdin); // read name of file from keyboard
    if (embeddedName[0]=='*') exit (0); // check that its not a '*'
    embeddedName[strlen(embeddedName)-1] = 0; // remove newline character
    while (NULL == (embeddedFile = fopen(embeddedName,"rb")));

    if ( NULL == (embeddedData = (unsigned char*)malloc(imageSize/8)) ) exit(7); // assign memory to store embedded file
    embeddedLength = fread(embeddedData, sizeof(unsigned char), (imageSize/8), embeddedFile); // read contents of embedded file
    fclose(embeddedFile); // close embedded file

    if (embeddedLength >(imageSize/8 - 56) )
    printf("File too large to embed ");
    exit (8);

    // Embed embeddedData in image
    EmbedFile (image, embeddedName, embeddedData, embeddedLength);
    free (embeddedData);

    // open and write data to altered bmp.
    alteredBMP = askAndOpen("Please enter name of output bmp : ",'w'); // open altered bmp for writing
    fwrite(header, sizeof(unsigned char), 14, alteredBMP); // write header section of output file
    fwrite(info, sizeof(unsigned char), 40, alteredBMP); // write info section of output file
    fwrite(image, sizeof(unsigned char), imageSize, alteredBMP); // write image section of output file
    fclose( alteredBMP );

    free (image);

    //### This function is not complete. INCOMPLETE
    //# You will have to create a leader with the characters KS, filename padded to 80 chars and filelength
    //# and embed it in image.
    //# You also have to embed the data in image.
    //===== embedFile ========================================================================
    //# Generates the leader and embeds it in the image section of the bitmap.
    //# Embeds the rest of the hidden file in the image.
    void EmbedFile (unsigned char image[], char filename[], unsigned char data[], int filelength )
    // prototypes
    void byteToGroup (unsigned char group[8], unsigned char byte);

    // variables
    unsigned char leader[86];
    unsigned char group [8];
    int i;
    int j;
    int Filelength;
    // code

    // Construct leader
    leader[0] = 'K'; // Insert signature
    leader[1] = 'S';

    for (i=2; i<82; i++) // Fill the name part with *
    leader = '*';

    for( i=0; i< strlen(filename); i++)
    leader[i+2] = filename; // Insert Filename;

    Filelength = filelength; // Insert filelength
    leader[82] = Filelength % 256; Filelength = filelength / 256;
    leader[83] = Filelength % 256; Filelength = filelength / 256;
    leader[84] = Filelength % 256; Filelength = filelength / 256;
    leader[85] = Filelength % 256;

    for (i=0; i< 86; i++ )
    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
    group[j] = image[ 8 * i + j]; // Copy groups of 8 bytes from image to 'group'

    byteToGroup( group, leader); // embed 1 byte of leader for hidden file in group

    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
    image[ 8 * i + j] = group[j]; // and then copy them back.
    // At this stage the leader has been embedded in the image.
    // You now have to do the same with the actual file.


    //===== byteToGroup ======================================================================
    //# Takes as input an 8 byte array of unsigned char (group) , and an unsigned char (byte).
    //# Replaces the least significant bit of each element of group with a bit from char.
    void byteToGroup (unsigned char group[8], unsigned char byte)
    // variables
    int i;
    unsigned char Byte;

    // code

    Byte = byte;

    for (i=7; i>=0; i--)
    group = 2 * ( group/2 ); // Make sure that group is even, i.e. the least significant bit=0
    group = group + Byte % 2; // Add the last bit from Byte
    Byte = Byte / 2; // Divide by 2 so that the next time round we look at the next bit


    //# Common

    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== askAndOpen =======================================================================
    //# prints the message message[] to the screen and expects the user to input a filename.
    //# Continues to ask for filename until file is successfully opened.
    //# Returns file handle of file.
    //# User may quit program by entering * instead of filename.
    FILE* askAndOpen(char message[], char mode)
    // variables
    char filename[80];
    char modestring[3] = {'x','b',0};
    FILE* filef;

    // code
    modestring[0] = mode;

    fgets(filename,80,stdin); // read name of file from keyboard
    if (filename[0]=='*') exit (0); // check that its not a '*'
    filename[strlen(filename)-1] = 0; // remove newline character
    while (NULL == (filef = fopen(filename,modestring)));

    return (filef);

    //### This function is complete. #############################
    //===== BMPheaders =======================================================================
    //# Reads in info and header sections of file, and returns image Size
    //# header[] and info[] are filled with data from header and info section of file.
    int BMPheaders( FILE* image_in, unsigned char header[], unsigned char info[] )
    if ( 14 != fread( header, sizeof(char), 14, image_in)) exit (1); // Header just contains file size and bmp identifier
    if ( 40 != fread( info, sizeof(char), 40, image_in)) exit (2); // Info section contains data about image size and bpp
    if ( (header[0] != 'B') || (header[1] != 'M') ) exit (3); // First two chars in header should be BM
    if ( 24 != info[14] ) exit (4); // Can only handle 24 bit bmps

    return ( info[20] + (info[21] + (info[22] + info[23] * 256 ) * 256 ) * 256); // Size of image section of file in bytes


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 648 ✭✭✭Freddio

    I remember getting a bollocking from the boards people for helping people with their homework.

    At the time they deleted my post but not the person asking the question.

    I wonder how they'll view this

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 300 ✭✭Tomas_S

    Freddio wrote: »
    I remember getting a bollocking from the boards people for helping people with their homework.

    At the time they deleted my post but not the person asking the question.

    I wonder how they'll view this

    I hope there will be no trouble

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Tomas_S wrote: »
    Hi, if someone could help finishing 2 functions in this code would be greatfull.
    Hi, if you could read the charter, I'd be grateful too.

This discussion has been closed.