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Threat of libel suit- Need advice

  • 10-05-2012 7:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 11

    Ok, this needs some background (will keep it vague).

    My brother had a piece of artwork he'd done for his school pulled by two teachers because they found fault with it (after it had been ok'd by management). It wasn't obscene or inflammatory, they just found issue with it on historical grounds (again, keeping it vague). My brother was upset, and when he told me the details I posted on the page of a mutual acquaintance (a school friend of my brother who posted the artwork on his page, this started a discussion) a statement on the issue which alluded to the teachers being involved with the decision ( eg "the feelings of two teachers were chosen over the feelings of a student") and at the very end used derogatory remarks (eg "students didn't care-just two miserable c**ts"). This was out of anger, and largely out of character.

    Several days later, I got an email on facebook from an unknown person who turned out to be one of the teachers in question. She said my remarks (specifically the word c**t) were libelous, and if I didn't remove it the two would take it further. At first, I replied saying I couldn't find the offending post (in fact, I couldn't remember saying it, and didn't think I had), but when I did find it, I emailed back after the comment had been removed with an apology. The teacher then accepted my apology, and that was that.

    Now, today I've found out through a friend of my brothers that the other teacher has said to several students that I am an "arrogant" man and she has phoned the guards, plans to sue me and wants me to meet with her husband. This information was through a third party, but I'm just wondering if there is any case here and if so what should I do? I am 20 years old and out of secondary school for three years.

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