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Wisdom Teeth and VHI

  • 07-05-2012 5:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 368 ✭✭

    Hi folks, did a bit of google fu and saw some people around these parts had some insurance expertise so wondering if you might help me out.

    My wisdom teeth are starting to hassle me. My lower teeth are semi-impacted, my upper teeth seem to be fully grown but dig into the side of my cheek and are almost impossible to clean. My upper right tooth, though totally pain free, has this really sharp hole or something in the middle of it, like the tooth's been split or cracked down the middle (but again, there's no blood, there isn't even any sensitivity which I assume there would be if it was a cavity). I only just discovered it, could have been there for years but I digress.

    Anyway, I want to get them all yanked out and be done with it now that I have the summer off to recover. The only issue is cost.

    My VHI plan is the First Plan Starter scheme. It comes with full hospital cover, psychiatric and respite care and emergency cover abroad. Now (feel free to correct me), I think impacted wisdom tooth removal is covered under the hospital scheme as long as you get it done in certain surgeries. However, I'm not sure my top wisdom teeth (the non-impacted ones) would be covered.

    Anyway, I'm going into the dentist early next week. What kind of recommendation do I need to get to have everything covered? Is that even possible? If I need to pay to have them removed electively, what's the damage going to be like? Hell, is getting four teeth removed at one time a really really bad idea?

    Thanks for any help!
