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WDTV live network issue

  • 29-04-2012 10:13pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,515 ✭✭✭


    I recently bought WDTV live, I am having an issue with it finding movies stored on my desktop. When I turn off the firewall it finds them on my network but I dont want to turn off my firewall perminantly...

    Anyone else having this issue?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,421 ✭✭✭andy1249

    Clearly the firewall is blocking it !

    Your Firewall settings are too aggressive ,the idea of a firewall is to protect you , not stop you using your own network !

    Find out how to set up your firewall to allow the WDTV network access.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭M00lers

    WDTV Live and Windows 7 network shares can be problematic, if you google it you'll find plenty of problems and solutions. I pulled the below from some forum. It might work for you.

    Also, I believe that Windows Live ID etc can cause problems too, so uninstall that if you have to.

    If you are still stuck you could use a media server such as PS3 MediaServer, Serviio or Twonky etc to stream to the WDTV.

    "Win7 (and Vista) has some issues broadcasting its availability on a network.
    You could try these changes to your Win7 box:-

    Firstly, configure Sharing and Discovery:

    1. Navigate to the Network and Sharing Center via the Control Panel
    2. Click on the down arrow icons and select ON/OFF as follows:
    Network Discovery - ON
    File Sharing - ON
    Public Folder Sharing - OFF
    Printer Sharing - ON
    Password Protected Sharing - OFF
    Media Sharing - OFF

    Next, configure the folder you want to share:

    1. Select the folder
    2. Right-click and choose 'Share' from the menu
    3. From the drop-down box select the Everyone (All users in this list) account, making sure permissions are set to 'Reader'
    4. Click the buttons Add, Share and Done.

    Here are some further registry 'tweaks' if this doesn't work:

    WARNING: This requires editing your PC's registry which, if edited incorrectly, can cause Windows systems to become unstable and unusable. So, follow the instructions below at your own risk. - we are not responsible for any damage caused by following these steps.

    1. Navigate to the following location in the registry editor.
    2. On the right side, double-click on 'everyoneincludesanonymous' and change the 'Value data' from '0' to '1'
    3. Double-click on 'NoLmHash' and change the 'Value data' from '1' to '0'
    4. Navigate to the following location in the registry editor:
    5. Double-click on 'restrictnullsessaccess' and change the 'Value data' from '1' to '0'
    6. Close the registry editor

    Finally, restart your PC

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,515 ✭✭✭tupac_healy

    Apologies, I neglected to mention I'm actually running xp not windows 7!!!!
