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Poem.Lydias Tree.

  • 25-04-2012 7:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 43

    Lydia's Tree.

    I sang a song to anyone who'd listen
    as I talked it as a trickle as it trickled from my tongue.

    I sang of present futures like the days and nights were sutured,
    sutured on my tongue.
    The stitch so formed.

    I gazed upon a vision and released it from it's prison
    as I spoke it risen?
    yet it passed your door I spoke some more.

    I soon realized in my chanting (or for better words)
    My ranting,
    that indeed with all my panting
    I had missed what stood before.

    Before me was an individual
    Before You is just not visible
    Before us a door unclosable
    Before my words it just ajar
    Before We,
    A tree,
    no more.

    A tree of pure intention because,
    Trees that grow from seeds start out as tiny seedlings usually growing directly under the parent tree,
    (the tree that dropped it's seeds)
    Often those seedlings die because they are blocked from receiving sunlight and moisture.)

    Because Our roots they run much deeper
    Because our branches spread apart just enough to let them start,
    to breath with our protection
    but yet grow with all their heart.

    I sang a song to anyone who'd listen
    and sure some ears did glisten at Our story from the start.

    Without your presence
    just songs no meanings,
    only clever words of dreaming.......

    then apparent I found a reason
    for all I was deceiving was myself and nothing more ....

    I'll sing a song to you without your listening.
    I will break my actions from their prison and I'll kick that fuc*ing door
    that once did hang ajar.

    I promise You my past and present.
    I promise only open doors.

    Because Our roots they run much deeper,
    because Our branches spread apart
    because I know those seeds will flourish
    when we give them all Our hearts.

    Without You
    just songs, no meanings,
    Only clever words of dreaming.

    When all along you are the reason
    of what
    Our Tree stands for.
