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ICS and SMS DB moving

  • 25-03-2012 1:43pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭

    What's the story with ICS on the original desire? Is it compatible and is the desire capable of running it ok?

    Tea Saver, thanks for the post, how would I go about deleting the SMS db? I don't want to flash a new rom if I'm still going to have the problem. The annoying thing I haven't seen anyone report the EXACT same problems as I have with the texting so anyone that says they have no problems after flashing to X, may have fixed any issues they had, but may not fix the issue I'm having :(


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭TeaServer

    cormie wrote: »
    What's the story with ICS on the original desire? Is it compatible and is the desire capable of running it ok?

    Tea Saver, thanks for the post, how would I go about deleting the SMS db? I don't want to flash a new rom if I'm still going to have the problem. The annoying thing I haven't seen anyone report the EXACT same problems as I have with the texting so anyone that says they have no problems after flashing to X, may have fixed any issues they had, but may not fix the issue I'm having :(

    Try this, it will just swap your SMS Db, leaving everything else as it is

    Copy the blank DB attached to your sdcard. (Rename it to mmssms.db.blank)
    Put your phone in Airplane mode (to stop any SMS arriving during the process)
    (If you have Titanium Backup installed, use it to take a backup of SMS/MMS/APN Dialer Storage)
    Install ConnectBot from the Market
    Create a new local connection, giving any nickname
    In the new console type "su -" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Grant root access if prompted
    type "cd /mnt/sdcard" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed
    Now take a backup of your existing DB, type "cp /data/data/ /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.original" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed and the original DB too
    Now replace the original with the blank "cp /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.blank /data/data/" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Restart your phone
    Turn off Airplane mode and test SMS are working ok.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    TeaServer wrote: »
    Try this, it will just swap your SMS Db, leaving everything else as it is

    Copy the blank DB attached to your sdcard. (Rename it to mmssms.db.blank)
    Put your phone in Airplane mode (to stop any SMS arriving during the process)
    (If you have Titanium Backup installed, use it to take a backup of SMS/MMS/APN Dialer Storage)
    Install ConnectBot from the Market
    Create a new local connection, giving any nickname
    In the new console type "su -" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Grant root access if prompted
    type "cd /mnt/sdcard" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed
    Now take a backup of your existing DB, type "cp /data/data/ /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.original" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed and the original DB too
    Now replace the original with the blank "cp /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.blank /data/data/" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Restart your phone
    Turn off Airplane mode and test SMS are working ok.

    Hi again Teaserver, going to give this a shot, was a bit afraid before but I don't think I've a choice. Just not sure if I need to rename the file to mmssms.db.blank or just mmssms.db ? I've file extensions shown always, and changed it from mmssms.db.txt to mmssms.db.blank for now..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭TeaServer

    cormie wrote: »
    Hi again Teaserver, going to give this a shot, was a bit afraid before but I don't think I've a choice. Just not sure if I need to rename the file to mmssms.db.blank or just mmssms.db ? I've file extensions shown always, and changed it from mmssms.db.txt to mmssms.db.blank for now..

    Rename to mmssms.db.blank and put on your SD card. Then follow the instructions above. It can be called anything but for simplicity call it blank to match the commands above.

    Follow the instructions exactly, if you get lost stop. You can PM me for IM details for a walkthrough if you're still uncomfortable doing it on your own.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    TeaServer wrote: »
    Rename to mmssms.db.blank and put on your SD card. Then follow the instructions above. It can be called anything but for simplicity call it blank to match the commands above.

    Follow the instructions exactly, if you get lost stop. You can PM me for IM details for a walkthrough if you're still uncomfortable doing it on your own.

    Cool, thanks for that. Will give it a go and if I get stuck or scared, give you a shout :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    TeaServer wrote: »
    Try this, it will just swap your SMS Db, leaving everything else as it is

    Copy the blank DB attached to your sdcard. (Rename it to mmssms.db.blank)
    Put your phone in Airplane mode (to stop any SMS arriving during the process)
    (If you have Titanium Backup installed, use it to take a backup of SMS/MMS/APN Dialer Storage)
    Install ConnectBot from the Market
    Create a new local connection, giving any nickname
    In the new console type "su -" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Grant root access if prompted
    type "cd /mnt/sdcard" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed
    Now take a backup of your existing DB, type "cp /data/data/ /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.original" (without quotes) and press enter
    type "ls mmssms.db*" (without quotes) and press enter - you should see the file you copied over to your sdcard listed and the original DB too
    Now replace the original with the blank "cp /mnt/sdcard/mmssms.db.blank /data/data/" (without quotes) and presss enter
    Restart your phone
    Turn off Airplane mode and test SMS are working ok.

    Just attempted this. Will see if it works and report back in a few days, or sooner if the problem is still there.. thanks again

    EDIT: Just restarted the phone and am getting a "Sorry, the application Messaging (process has stopped unexepctedly. Please try again) with the only option being force close.

    I go into my sms client, go sms, and the two message I had there are no longer given the contact title but just called (1) and (1)..

    I wrote a message and pressed send from gosms and it appeared to send ok, but when I went back to the menu, it's not there. I also just texted myself from cabbage desktop on the laptop and didn't receive it :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    Aghhh :( After all that, the problem has come back!!

    So just to reiterate, what I've tried:

    HTC Desire A)
    Stock Rom
    -Stock sms app
    -Handscent sms app

    Leedroid Rom
    -Handscent sms app

    HTC Desire B)
    Cyanmod Gen 7
    -Go sms app
    -sms DB wipe

    Same problems on every set up!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭TeaServer

    I'm out of ideas now I'm afraid. Any pattern to the recipients who get the SMS?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    None at all, just whoever I've been texting recently, could be anyone, never any set pattern. Any news on ICS being on a desire rom at all, maybe that would fix it somehow..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭TeaServer

    Not sure, I would hazard a guess that it won't be, well officially at least.

    Just bite the bullet and get the new One X or S. Will be doing it myself in a few months probably..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    Ah, I'd rather keep the desire if I can. I might try give one more ROM a shot. Somebody recommended one recently that was using some kind of ICS module. Thanks for the help anyway :)

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