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The right stain for an Ikea solid wood worktop

  • 18-04-2012 11:26am
    Registered Users Posts: 11

    Hey all

    Just wondering if anyone can help
    We bought an Ikea solid wood kitchen worktop the other day we were hoping to buy the oak but as they were out of stock and we knew we wouldn't be making the journey again for a while we went with the birch thinking we'd stain it a darker colour.

    Has anyone had any experience with this and have any suggestions of the best staining to use, it needs to be non toxic and water based as far as I know? After staining we plan on giving it a couple of coats of the sealer Ikea provide.

    I've done a search and can only seem to find info for american products like what they did here



  • Registered Users Posts: 11 MZK

    Just an update I was recommended today to use Woodoc You add their stain/colour to there sealer and then just paint it on.

    Anyone used this before?

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 zebrano.96

    the product shown was for a floor big difference between a floor and worktop as regards use.water around sinks are a problem for this reson i would not recomend staining a worktop ,if its for furniture u have some chance:)previous posts about finishing worktops and tables.
    try a test peice first and wood will darken but not change from birch to oak:mad:
