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Printing the contents of a vector (Java)

  • 05-04-2012 1:32pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,586 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    Probably a very simple query for you but this has been doing my head in. I have created a stock class and it has contents like name, price , type etc. This has then been input into a vector.

    Now I want to be able to print the contents of the classes from the vector, however I keep getting what looks like memory addresses.
    Ive tried vector.get(i) and vector.elementAt(i).

    I would like to say, print the first piece of info from the instance, stock name but not the price for example.

    Can someone help me out ?



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,246 ✭✭✭conor.hogan.2

    You could override toString() in your class to print out what you want your Vector to print.

    System.out.print( vector.get(i) ); Should then print it out in whatever format you define.
