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Home (a poem)

  • 04-04-2012 8:54pm
    Posts: 0

    This is where I live
    (where I used to live)
    its walls weather beaten, but standing still,
    (barely standing)
    its windows darkened and dirt-covered.
    Though dilapidated and discarded,
    it’s still there (almost there) against the horizon.
    It’s empty now, save for the memories;
    shadows of its former self, its former glory.
    An empty shell, home to only cobwebs and forgotten nightmares.


  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭Memory Of 98

    I enjoyed it.Simple yet striking, an interesting perspective on the unalienable truth that one has an invisible and unshakeable anchor to their beginnings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 crazyhorsecowle

    That's deadly,raw and direct. I love it.any more to come?
    please?!!!I love writing and only through seeing other people brave enough to put up their poems that is giving me the strength to do likewise,so cheers pal.
    Look forward to the next in whatever form it takes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭golden lane

    a look back to the past we know
    the summers long, and winter's snow
    the games we played out in the street
    the apples that were red, and sweet

    our knees were skinned, our elbows sore
    our trousers, coats, and jersey's tore
    we proudly showed our battle scars
    looked forward, to drinks, in milk bars

    our nibs were made of shining brass
    our jotters named, and showed our class
    we walked, and walked, to show our pride
    picked cockles in the ebbing tide

    we swam till hunger forced us home
    the dublin streets, we loved to roam
    at matinee's we watched the flicks
    and made rafts, out of ice pop sticks

    now all that may, just seem so strange
    those years now gone, and so much change
    those were the days of yesteryear
    though long ago, are still so clear

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 crazyhorsecowle

    I can see it though I was never there,Thanks for sharing it.
    I'd love to read more poetry on boards.
    So please if you have any more to share I would love to read them.
    Thank you.
