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Disability Allowance & Ruptured Discs

  • 14-03-2012 2:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 874 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys

    Firstly to everyone like me struggling through the DA system, I'm feeling your pain and I hope you have a good outcome.
    I have two ruptured discs in my lower back following a fall two years ago. Stupidly I ran down my savings rather than claim and it was only when my savings were running out and I was still unable to return to work, that I claimed DA. I also suffer from PTSD, BPD & depression. My physical condition hasn't improved in two years and I spend 20+ hours a day lying flat on my back to lessen the constant pain. Sitting, standing and walking is extremely painful. I just received a roughly photocopied page from a 'decision officer' in the DA section refusing my claim, so I have to go down the review / appeals process now. Returning to work would really help my mental difficulties, so I'd do this immediately if I was physically able.
    I'd be very interested to hear how anyone else with ruptured discs was assessed and whether they were granted or refused DA. This kind of thing is very isolating and you seem to be told things by the state on a need-to-know basis, as in reluctantly. Sharing experiences here is a great help. Has anyone enlisted the help of any voluntary bodies or their TD and did this help?

    Sincere thanks for anything you care to share, either here or via PM.

    Max :)

