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  • 08-03-2012 6:00am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭

    For fun on another forum, I quickly wrote the following few paragraphs, I've left the ending wide open so as any of you who want to can continue on the story and it'd be great to see how many different people and styles of writing give it a pop and see how the story may meander.
    Its a corny short piece about some gangstas about to rob a homie but the homie "Busts Out His Nine" and "Pops Caps In asses" "!!!!
    Feel free to ad in the next paragraph, take it in any direction you want:

    Yep, I was walkin through my hood after a night out on the town with some of my homies. I was just after leaving my homies at the bottom of the block and walking for about 5 minutes when a I heard the heavy thud of the engine of a Mustang moving slowly up behind me.
    I knew this could be trouble so I picked up the pace a little but as I did I heard the Mustang engine rev up and with a short screech the black Mustang had past me, swerved in front of my path on the sidewalk.
    The four doors open quickly as 4 muthafukin niggas jumped out of the car and surrounded me.
    "Where you think you going muthafuka ?" said one of them, "You do realise you were in our part of town earlier tonight, and now, we're in your part of town, we saws you and jinxed up crew swannin around our bars like you was somtin, you aint all that nigga and now you've gotta pay us a toll for the time you spent in our hood, gimme ya wallet nigga" one of them said.
    I looked at him straight in the eye and slowly but surely looked at every ones of them with a steely eyed stare all the time my left hand moving slowly, very very slowly into the back pocket of my jeans.
    "OK" I said, "I'll pay you a fukin toll" and with that I swung my left hand back from behind my back, only this time it wasnt empty, I was after bustin out my 9 and was about to bust caps in asses.
    Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, the echo of my 9 bustin caps reverbed around my hood, lights came on in the windows and dogs started barkin and out of no where the homies I had left a few minutes earlier were by my side.
    The 4 niggas were left reelin on the ground with their blood turning the rain puddles around them red.
    In the distance the sound of cops cars could be heard, so that was my que to get the fuk outta there, me and my homies ran up the alley way and made our way home.
    The only problem was the next morning when I heard a knock on the front door.......................................


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 896 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fuzzytrooper

    I silently inched my way to the door and took a look through the eyehole. A giant of a man was standing outside cradling what looked like a baseball bat in his hands. Fortunately I was prepared for just such an occurrence. I reached down beside the door as quietly as I could and picked up my shotgun. Standing back from the door I took aim at roughly where the man’s chest would be and pulled the trigger.

    The centre of the door exploded into dozens of fragments as the pellets impacted it. I chambered another round and peered out the hole in what remained of the door. The man was lying flat on his back. A large pool of blood was already forming on the ground. Cautiously I opened the door and stepped outside. The street was empty with the exception of me and my new friend. No doubt the noise had scared off anyone who might have been around.

    The large man was still alive…barely. He wore a shocked look on his face, his eyes were wide with terror. Once again I raised my shotgun and pointed it at the man. “Who sent you?” He was having difficulty speaking. Coughing up blood he barely mouthed “baseball…in garden...”

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And realized that I lived in Ireland, where these things generally don't happen.

    However, down the road, at the local bar, he sat at the counter. Cigarette smoke clung to the air like fog; the dim ceiling lamps barely breaking through. He coughed, arms folded on his lap, with his half-drunk pint sitting in front of him; the head staining the glass. His eyes heavy, sleepiness descending, he let a snore out that woke him up. Semi-embarrassed, he glanced around the pub to see if anybody noticed, only to have his gaze returned by the woman that stood, half-hidden in the shadows ...

    (darn, hate it when somebody gets in before I post .. now it seems all out of sync .. )

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭vixdname

    He lifted his head higher to see if he could recognise who this dame was, but he couldnt, He raised his glass, just a skin of whiskey left in the end swirling about as it rose in his hand.
    He nodded at the mystery woman who answered him by taking another long drag from her cigarette, inhaling it and slowly exhaling it in a long jet stream, the smoke that was a second ago in her body, now mingling with the rest of the smoke that hung in the air.
    She walked slowly, almost cautiously, to Tegan, who by now had sobered up a little simply because his 15 years of being a private investigator told him that something was about to happen.
    "Mr. Tegan, I presume ?" questioned the dame
    "Who wants to know" was the reply.
    "William James Tegan, ex detective William James Tegan, 20 year veteran of the Orange County police department, the same William James Tegan who left the department in 1993 after a failed suicide bid, now William James Tegan private investigator" she said, displaying that she knew a lot of fact about Tegan while he himself knew nothing about this broad.
    "I'd prefer if you just called me Tegan ma'am, its shorter and more to the point", he replied.
    "What can I do to help a lady who seems to me is well capable of looking after herself ?" ha asked.
    "Its about the shooting that took place downtown, in the early hours of this morning, 4 hoods, all shot at point blank range with a 9mm automatic, 3 dead with the 4th in a critical condition in St. Marys Memorial" she explained.
    "So what, its just another case of gangbangers having a lover tiff, it happens the whole time in this city, you should know that" said Tegan.
    "No, this one is different" she said. "Tell me how, how does this shooting differ from all the other drive bys, and summary executions that happen each and every day between rival gangs here in this city" asked Tegan.
    "Hell, some other guy I hear got blasted at point blank range with a shotgun through an apartment door a couple of hours ago, I heard it on the wire", the cops already suspect that the two shootings are some way related, and to make matters worse the shot gun blast came from behind the front door of the mayors grandson, who up to now cant be located" said Tegan
    "So tell me, what got your knickers in a bind about this" asked Tegan.
    "My knickers are in a bind, as you so nicely describe Mr. Tegan because one of the 4 men shot last night was my brother, hes the one lying with a gaping hole in his chest in St. Marys, I know for a fact the mayors grandson has been involved in some heavy **** in this city for some time and because hes the mayors grandson, the authorities are turning a blind eye when he fuks up, but this time hes responsible for multiple killings and hes obviously bitten off more then he can chew as hes pissed someone off, someone a lot more powerful him and perhaps even his grandfather mayor and by the looks of it, he wont stop at anything to get to the good mayors grandson" she explained.
    "And where do I come into all of this" Tegan asked, "Well, you were a cop once, you know how they work, if I go trying to expose the mayors grandson for what he really is, do you think I'd live long enough to tell the tale, and as it is, I dont have all the facts, theres more to this then meets the eye, the mayors grandson, no matter what he ever done, was never touched, either by the cops or by any other rival gangs, all of a sudden the mayors grandson is running scared and shooting anyone that come his way, hes frightened, very frightened, I dont know why, but I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you'd be able to find out" she said.
    "And what do I get out of all this ?" he asked.
    "You'll get paid handsomely Mr. Tegan and perhaps in more ways then one" she said.
    "Ok, I'll take on the job" he agreed, "But, I'm going to have to get access to your brother apartment to start off with so as I might get a better idea of what kinda **** I'm dealing with here" Tegan said.
    "OK, well theres no time like the present" she said "Lets go".
    "Jesus, you are in a hurry, miss, miss ehhhhh" he stuttered.
    " Just call me leyla" she said.................................................

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 896 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fuzzytrooper

    Tegan squinted his eyes as they exited the pub. He seemed to spend most of his time lately working some small time cases by night - following a husband suspected of having an affair, checking if little Johnny is in with the wrong crowd. It seemed at times that he was loosing himself in the darkness, largely forgotten by those around him. In many ways it suited Tegan. Life was easier to cope with when he didn’t have to face anyone outside his clients. Other than that any downtime he had was spent here in his local drinking alone.

    Teegan fumbled with the keys for his car trying unsuccessfully a number of times to open the driver-side door. Leyla eyed him sarcastically “There’s no way I’m going to let you drive.” She said before snatching the keys from Teegan’s hand. He was about to protest but the look on Leyla’s face quickly silenced him. Feeling slightly humiliated, Teegan moved around to the passenger door and sheepishly got inside.

    Leyla was about to put the key in the ignition when suddenly Teegan grabbed her arm with a speed that shouldn’t have been possible for someone in his condition. She turned to him furiously “What’s wrong with you?” she snapped. “Something doesn’t feel right.” he replied. “See that car over there?” Leyla looked across the street to the car Teegan had indicated. “Yes, what about it?”

    Teegan replied in an almost detached way, never taking his focus off the car, “The guy inside is paying a little too much attention to us.” The man’s eyes met Teegans. His stare was cold and hard like steel, not your typical bystander. The man reached for something inside his coat pocket…

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 896 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fuzzytrooper

    By the way, excellent way of tying the two threads together vixdname. I had started writing a piece involving Marty McFly and the doc but thought better of it. Glad I didn't post it now :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭me-skywalker

    The man took out a camera, he started to wave it furiously, jesting it towards them.

    Leyla glanced at Tegan, she nodded "I need my phone" she said. He reached into his coat. She was fumbling in her bag through the pockets. A sudden crack smacked inside the car, Tegan fell back into his seat from the window. She looked up just in time to see an arrow pierce the glass of the gesticulating mans car and stick right between his eyes, she froze in shock. For a moment time froze as the gesticulating man bolted upright and his head snapped back to the rest. Then fury unleashed inside the car as the arrow exploded into a mass of oozing red liquid and thin wirey globs. His face ripped off, peeled back from the eyes, down across his cheeks and jaw and upwards to the forehead. Striations around his cheeks and forehead showed his skull; his boney tongue stuck between his jaws flapping in the wind. Leyla immediatley began to scream dropping her phone, which had been dialling ' Camera Guy'.

    She hadn't notice Tegan walking towards the opposite car, purposefully, with one hand tucking his crossbow back into its shoulder belt and another clasped around a brown hand grenade. He tossed it inside the shattered windows. "Mermelada de fresa hijo de puta." he screamed.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,546 ✭✭✭✭OwaynOTT

    "Mermelada de fresa hijo de puta." he screamed.

    He stood there for a few moments.

    "I'd like to see Bruce Willis eat your heart out. Ah crap I'm tired." he muttered to himself over the screams.

    "Guess my initial thoughts of her being able to handle herself were off the mark. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about a woman" he recalled.

    Fire was the only way to deal with these things. What these things were, he still hadn't figured out but that was the fifth one today and only the first to get the whole Viking funeral pyre treatment.

    "The morgue is going to have a lot of fun around about midnight" he said as he shielded his eyes against the blaze of the car.

    He turned slowly about, with his hand rested inside his jacket on his revolver, and scanned the night for any other people that seemed off. The barman was peeping out from behind a sign advertising some generic European lager but apart from him and that women in the car, there wasn't a soul to be seen.

    Satisfied, he got back into the car with the mystery woman. The screaming had stopped and she had a tight control on her emotions again. Funny that.

    Slamming the door behind him and lighting up a handmade he told her to "Drive."

    Despite her histrionics moments ago, she turn the ignition without any questions.

    "How much do you know?" she enquired with her eyes intent on the road.

    "Who is Camera Man" he countered ignoring he question.

    There was silence for a few moments but for the sound of the Nissan's engine struggling with the hills. She glanced at him once and began to talk....

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 tis a fine line

    “ Camera Man is my boyfriend… I can’t use his real name”, she said almost embarrassed “…or my brother would not be the only one in St. Mary’s.”
    Tegans brow furrowed as he suspected the sleep his expensive whiskey had promised, was no longer in the offing.
    They both fell silent for a few miles, until ‘Leyla’ felt it safe to elaborate.

    “There is a feud” she explained, “Rival gangs fighting over drug turf, the usual stuff… that is, until the mayors grandson stuck his big fat coke nose in where it wasn’t wanted.”
    “College drop-out, fannying around on daddy’s money, wants to play with the big boys, except he didn’t fully understand what playing with the big boys actually means.” She lit a doobie, one she had obviously made earlier, inhaled deeply and continued,
    “ Camera Man, is one mean mother****er, and if he got wind that I was shooting my mouth off right now we’d both be toast.”
    She glanced in the rear view mirror automatically as she said this and in a fraction of a second made eye contact with the barrels of a sawn-off shotgun.
    “GET DOWN!” she screamed and swerved the car 90 degrees down a back alley. The back window shattered in the wake of the deafening echo of the blast, and the Nissan displayed its world famous Japanese engineering quality, as it bounced between the speed ramps, while ‘Leyla’ accelerated continuously.

    Tegan held on for dear life somewhat shaken but duly impressed at ‘Leylas’ quick reactions and the deft way she manoeuvred the car through the back alleys. ‘She has done this before’ he thought, as he swiped the doobie from the ashtray. The whiskey was leaving his system a little sooner than he was ready.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 896 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fuzzytrooper

    After a few minutes of threading the car through back streets Leyla began to slow her pace. They appeared to have lost their pursuers and any further evasive driving would only serve to advertise their presence. Tegan had turned a deathly shade of white and a thin film of sweat covered his face. It felt like his heart was beating fast enough to break through his chest.

    “You need to relax Mr.Tegan.” Leyla said with a wry smile on her face.

    Tegan’s hand shook nervously as he lifted the joint to his lips. His voice sounded weak, even to himself as he replied “I already said call me Tegan.” He paused momentarily before sniffing the joint. “What exactly is in this thing? It doesn’t smell like a normal doobie at all.”

    Slowly, almost casually, Leyla reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a revolver. The movement was so subtle that Tegan was not aware of the gun until it was pointing right in his face.

    “I said you need to relax MISTER Tegan…..”

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭vixdname

    With that, Leyla pulled up outside a tall dark ominous looking building, the joke with the gun proved two things to Tegan, One, that Leyla had a pretty weird sense of humour and two that she was definitely was a force to be reckoned with, no push over, this woman meant business and he was damn glad that she was on his side......or was she???, he just couldnt figure that out yet, the gun to his face was done with a smile on her face, gently letting him know that she meant business but also the fact that she wouldnt be pushed around by him or anyone else for that matter.
    Tegan had a habit of talking down to woman, most men of his age and type did, they werent women, they were "Honey", "Tuts" or "Babe", object of beauty and sex, never an equal, and for the first time in his life, Tegan reckoned he had met his match in this beautiful woman, but he wasnt willing to admit that to himself, not just yet.

    "This is it, my brothers place, his apartment is on the 8th floor, we'll take the elevator it quicker" she said.
    Leyla pushed in the large heavy wooden front door and they entered a dirty dark tiled lobby which smelled of a mixture of piss and detol.
    The door to the lift was on their left and Leyla pushed the round silver button and the red encompassing light that surrounded the button shone.
    They both watched the red digital screen above then that illustrated what floor the lift was on until it finally reached their floor, the doors opened, the chime rang and in they went.
    Leyla, pressed the number 8 on the list of floor buttons on the console.
    Tegan saw the button with the alarm bell on it, "Would anyone hear it if I pressed that button" he wondered to himself. "Probably not" he answered himself.
    They finally arrived on the 8th floor, when the doors opened, an old woman with a small dog was standing directly in their path so Tegan moved to the side and let her and her dog into the lift before making his way out of the lift.
    The little dog looked up at Tegan and gave a muffled growl, the kind of one lots of small dogs do.
    Tegan followed Leyla down the corridor and to a door numbered 34, Leyla took a key from her pocket but just before she shoved it on to the keyhole, she put her ear to the door and had a listen, her eyes looking into space and squinting as she concentrated her hearing to see if the coast was clear.
    She turned to Tegan, gave him a slight smile and a quick wink and said in a whispering voice, "I think we're ok"
    The two entered the apartment, it was surprisingly tidy for a mans apartment Tegan thought to himself, or then again maybe not all men are as messy as he was he thought.
    They walked around the apartment for a while looking to see if they could find anything that could shed some light on what her brother was REALLY involved in.
    After about 10 minutes Tegan entered the bedroom, Leyla was already there, she looked uneasy, "Whats up?" Tegan asked, "Look at all of this ****" she said. Tegan looked at a large pile of really old looking books on the bed, every one of these books was about the Occult and someone had been doing quite a lot of studying by the looks of it.
    "What the f u c k does the occult and gang warfare have in common ?" Tegan asked
    "I dont know" Leyla said, " But theres definitely something going on here and it isnt for the faint hearted I reckon" she said.
    With that her phone rang, it was St. Marys, the sister in charge had called to tell her the her brother has awoken.
    "We better got over there, we need to talk to him and fast" Leyla said.
    With that, both she and Tegan were making their way out the front door, Leyla was just about to close the apartment door when they heard a loud voice shout at them, " Hey, hey you, my boss wants a word with you mothafukas" a large fat black man shouted at them.............................

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25 tis a fine line

    The voice came from below the stairwell. Leyla looked over the grubby banister, and saw the out of breath fat man, huffing & puffing his way up the stairs.
    ‘Damn that lift’ he cursed to himself, ‘That bitch is gonna pay for putting me through this.’
    ‘Quick’ she whispered to Tegan, ‘Follow Me’.

    She turned back into the apartment and deadlocked it from inside, she ushered Tegan towards the kitchenette and out onto a dodgy looking fire escape.
    ‘MOVE’ she barked at Tegan as he hesitated at the sight of the rusty joints. They dropped to the ground pulling half the rusty ladder with them. Running around the building towards the car, Leyla suddenly stopped. She peered around the trashcans, and just as she suspected there were two more hoods patrolling the Nissan. She recognised the duo and smirked.

    She signalled to Tegan to stay put and meandered her way towards the car.
    ‘Hey guys what’s up?’ she smiled ‘You know my brother ain’t here’
    ‘Leyla, you gotta come with us, your old man is looking for you.’
    Just as the tall gangly guy reached out to grab her, she swung her leg and with perfect aim kicked his balls up through his oesophagus. She grabbed the sawn off by the barrel, and using its weight to guide her, made impact with the young apprentices jaw, bursting his lip and firing a couple of neglected premolars into the air.
    As both men crumbled to the pavement in agony, Tegan ran from the shadows and they bundled themselves into the car.
    Leyla knew she had only bought them a minuscule amount of time, before the hoods would be on her heels again. ‘No way were they gonna return to Camera Man empty handed’ she thought.
    When Tegan produced the book on the Occult, they both smiled and decided they had to make a plan.
    ‘First things first’ Leyla said ‘we’re ditching this car.’
    ‘Then…’ she paused with a playful grin ‘… you’re gonna take me back to your place.’

    ‘Sure’ Tegan, smirked nervously, knowing that any other answer would prove futile. 'And besides, I have whiskey at my place' he comforted himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,546 ✭✭✭✭OwaynOTT

    As they made their way to Tegan's place, something Tegan mused on earlier was about to happen.

    In the lower levels of a generic looking hospital something odd had happened and the attending night clerk had failed to notice it, so far.

    He was hunched forward in his chair and the glow of the monitor gave his face an ghostly radiance. His hands were wedged inside a bag of tatyo crisps and the evidence on the desk showed it wasn't his first bag of the evening. Despite his predilection for starchy snacks he was rather a slim man, in fact his face was gaunt and draw, adding to his ghastly appearance. His bloodshot eyes strained on the screen and as he typed he failed to notice the slight thump that came from behind him.

    "Damn it fracking Janet!" he cursed to himself as he was failed to get in first with offer asking on

    "I really wanted that camera." hew told the empty room.

    He didn't fail to notice the second thump as the typing no longer covered the sound. He ignored it still, his unconsciousness mind filtered out a noise that he shouldn't be hearing at this time of night in the morgue.

    Stretching his hands over his head, he got up from his seat and he made eye contact with body from drawer four.

    "Hey man, your not meant to be up and about." he without thinking told the the man that Tegan had shot earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 tis a fine line

    Tegan placed the empty whiskey tumbler on the worktop, he could feel the warmth of it trickle through his body. With a predatory look in his eyes he walked towards Leyla, placed one hand on her waist, the other at the back of her head and drew her towards him without question.
    Their lips met, he held her firmly, and she buckled at the knees. She was surprised at how aroused she was at the sheer brazenness of this man.

    At the same time, the dead man imitated Tegans moves, walking directly towards the night clerk, who was frozen to the spot. He placed his blue and bloodied hands on the clerk’s head and drew his lips to what was left of his own. A luminous green light was borne within the night clerks’ chest, it expanded slowly for a few moments, until it moved at lightening speed up through his throat and into the dead mans body. The night clerk was tossed aside, spent and the dead man made way for the exit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 tis a fine line

    Tegan moved his hands slowly around Leylas’ body. He could feel she had surrendered. She was helpless to his touch. As he kissed her neck he could feel her soft steady breath on his ear. Her ass was plump as he grabbed it firmly with both hands, drawing their pelvis’ closer. Leyla was completely weak by now, at his mercy. When he felt the moist between her legs, he gently but abruptly pushed her away.
    ‘What’s the problem’ she whispered, breathlessly.
    ‘We can’t do this’ he replied sternly.
    Leyla knew it was over by the tone in his voice. She was confused and terribly frustrated, it had been a long time since she had been touched like that. She tried to gather herself, slightly embarrassed at the effect this man had on her.
    ‘Fine’ she snapped, ‘let’s forget about this and get back to this book, we are running out of time.’
    ‘Those hoods will be on our tail, and we’ve got to beat them to St. Mary’s’.
    Tegan could have kicked himself; he didn’t know what had gotten into him lately.
