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  • 28-02-2012 3:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10

    Looking into doing a medical secretarial course with the above but finding it difficult to find out if the qualifications would be recognised here. I'd prefer to train with Pitman but from the sounds if it their course fees are way out of my reach. My head is telling me the International Careers Institute is too good to be true! Any info would be appreciated!


  • Registered Users Posts: 14 Ferti

    Hi, just wondering did you do any course through ICI education. I'm looking in to it my self at the moment. Could you let me know how it worked out for you if you did some course with them. Any information would be very much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Jayiid

    Hi did either of you do a course with ICI? im looking at them now too but not sure if theyre recognised here either

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 SineadBruno

    Just wondering if any of you did the course?
    I'm looking into it at the moment and apparently they are recognized in Ireland but the Dont use the NFQ Level system. I received and email from them stating that their Advanced Diploma level is equivalent to that of a level 5/6 NFQ.
    Any advice guys?
    Thanks in Advance 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 size10wudbnice

    Hi Sinead, I was wondering did you rnd up doing your course with ICI i cannot find any feedback in them at all . Thank you
