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HTC Wildfire S

  • 13-02-2012 6:35pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 210 ✭✭

    On tesco mobile cant connect to internet, keep getting error switch on mobile networks, but just dont work, is there a specific set of settings i should be using, as iv rang tesco loads of times and they say they will send the settings but they never arrive :mad:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭WIZE

    I know the fix pm sent

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 210 ✭✭banjacksed

    WIZE wrote: »
    I know the fix pm sent
    Thanks a load mate, true gent, got me sorted out with a quick call, im going to post up the settings for anyone else,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,578 ✭✭✭paddylonglegs

    can't connect internet to my wildfire s either. recently got it unlocked from three and have meteor sim in now but it won't connect at all. I have internet on my tariff alright.

    little help?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,580 ✭✭✭✭Riesen_Meal

    can't connect internet to my wildfire s either. recently got it unlocked from three and have meteor sim in now but it won't connect at all. I have internet on my tariff alright.

    little help?
    2. Wireless Controls 3. Mobile Networks 4. Access Point Names

    From here press menu, and select "New APN"

    Name this APN - Meteor Internet

    * APN: * Proxy: * Port:8799 * Username: my * Password: meteor * Server: * MMSC: * MMS proxy: * MMS port:8799 * MCC: 272 * MNC: 03 * APN type: default

    Go to menu, and sav - This will bring you back to the APN menu

    Press Menu again and select new APN Name this Meteor mms and add the following settings:

    * APN: * Proxy: * Port: 8799 * Username: my * Password: mms * Server: * MMSC: * MMS proxy: * MMS port: 8799 * MCC: 272 * MNC: 03 * APN type: mms

    Press menu and save.

    When this brings you back to the APN menu you should have "meteor internet" with a green checkbox to the right and underneath you should have "meteor mms" with no green checkbox to the right..

    Before this works, you may have green checkboxes to the right of both APNs and by entering the APN type for "internet" as default and "mms" as mms, this should get rid of the checkbox to the right of the "meteor mms" APN and you should be able to send and receive picture messages and browse Meteors internet services.

    Should sort it, I had the same moving from Vodafone
