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Withdrawal from Butrans patch

  • 31-01-2012 12:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12

    I've been having major problems over the past while with what the dr says is a trapped nerve in my back. I had awful pain in my my back, arm and pins and needles in my fingers in my left hand. He put me on butrans patches which I've been on for nearly 4 months and I came off them on 20th jan. I was on the 5mg patch after being on the 5mg first then 10mg then back down to the 5mg. I'm having awful withdrawal symptoms, or at least I think that's what it must be, can't sleep, agitated, what feels like panic attacks. Dr thinks that I also have anxiety as well although he hasn't really treated this - he just says things will improve. Just wondering if anyone else has had experience of these patches and withdrawal. Whilst I am virtually pain free, although I still have the pins and needles in my fingers, I feel like absolute crap all the time. I'm a mature student and somehow managed to sit my Christmas exams without too much trouble. But I'm not sure how much more of "so called side effects I can take".
